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Collected by: KRIA - The Icelandic Constitution Archives

Archived since: Dec, 2020


This is a collection of websites that have collected many resources on the 2011 constitution or connected evident events. Each site is by a different curator, group, or institution and acts as its own archive. These sites may help research what others have found to be essential material in understanding the constitutional process of 2011.

Subject:   Government Politics & Elections Society & Culture

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Title: Gagnasafn Stjórnlagaráðs


Description: Meant to demonstrate how citizens can access any material needed regarding things related to the new constitution. These include scholarly publications, articles and news items

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá

Title: Frumvarp til stjórnarskipunarlaga


Description: After a resolution was passed on March 24th 2011 the constitutional council was now instructed to make proposals for new amendments for the Icelandic Constitution. Those proposals are now available in form. A bill for a new constitution and it is hereby submitted to the Speaker

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá

Title: Skýrsla stjórnlaganefndar


Description: Describes how Act 1 of the new constitution states: The Constitution Committee shall prepare and hold a national meeting constitutional issues, which seek to call for principles and the public's emphasis on the country's constitution and constitution and amendments

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá

Title: Skýrsla stjórnlaganefndar


Description: Overview states that this will provide a clear and comprehensve view of the process going into the new constitution.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá

Title: Þjóðaratkvæðagreiðslan


Description: Althingi resolved a referendum on May 24, 2012. The goal of this was to hold an advisory on the Constitutional Councils proposals for a new constitution. The proposal was submitted on July 29, 2011.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá

Title: Niðurstöður Þjóðfundar 2010


Description: A national meeting on the constitution was held in Laugardalshöll in Reykjavík on Saturday 6 November 2010. 950 people from all over the country attended. In addition, about 200 assistants of various kinds came to the meeting

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá

Title: Velkomin á vefinn Þjóðaratkvæði


Description: An advisory for a referendum on the new constitution was held on May 24, 2012. In it, it addressed the Constitutional Council’s proposals for new amendments. These were submitted to the Speaker of Althingi

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá

Title: Stjórnarskrá lýðveldisins Íslands


Description: These are the amended articles of the constitution. The first of which entered the force on June 17. 1944. The First Amendment states that Iceland is a republic with a parliamentary system.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá


Description: This is a video thanking the people for supporting an election campaign. It discusses the interviews that were held by voters.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá

Title: Tíu atriði sem þú finnur ekki í opinberri ferilskrá formanns V...


Description: The caption of the post read:

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá

Title: Ráðstefnuvefur tengdur bankahruninu, Hrunið, þið munið – Ráðstefnuvefur – gagnabanki


Description: This site was created after the confernce "Collapse, you will remember" was held October 5-6 2018. The conference consisted of over 20 seminars and 100 guest speakers.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá

Title: Stjórnarráð Íslands


Description: This is the homepage to the Cabinet website. It addresses stories about the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Innovation, the Prime Minister and foreign affairs.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá

Title: Auglýsing um niðurstöður


Description: The National Electoral Commission has informed the Ministry of the Interior of the referendum results. It explains that valid votes were divided according to how voters answered individual questions:

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá


Description: The Constitution is divided into seven chapters. Chapter I contains introductory provisions on the constitution of the Republic as the current form of government of the Icelandic state. Various changes have been made to individual chapters of the Constitution and specific issues in recent decades, such as changes to the electoral system and constituency structure, to the rules of procedure of the Althingi

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá

Title: Stjórnarskrárnefnd 2013-2017


Description: The Constitutional Committee was appointed by the Prime Minister in November 2013. This was done in accordance with the agreement of all parliamentary parties. The committee consisted of representatives nominated by other political parties represented in Althingi,

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá

Title: Nýju stjórnarskrána strax!


Description: This petition demands that Althingi release the outcome of the October 20th referendum to the public. This is to ensure the inaction of the new constitution.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjómarskrá

Page 1 of 1 (16 Total Results)