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News Releases

Collected by: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Archived since: Sep, 2013


This collection includes HHS news and announcements from 1991+.

Subject:   Government - US Federal Science & Health

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Title: Affordable Care Act extended free preventive care to 71 million Americans with private health insurance


Description: Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced today that about 71 million Americans in private health insurance plans received coverage for at least one free preventive health care service, such as a mammogram or flu shot, in 2011 and 2012 because of the Affordable Care Act.

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Title: Statement by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on LGBT Health Awareness Week


Description: Shortly after the Affordable Care Act was enacted, President Obama asked me to identify steps we could take at the Department of Health and Human Services to improve the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans.

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Title: Statement by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on National Consumer Protection Week


Description: Today marks the beginning of National Consumer Protection Week, which makes this the perfect time to talk about some of the new rights and protections Americans have under the Affordable Care Act.

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Title: Statement by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Women's History Month


Description: This year's theme is as fitting as it is exciting: "Women Inspiring Innovation Through Imagination: Celebrating Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)."

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Title: HHS announces 2013 agenda to bring down costs and improve quality of care through implementation of health information technology


Description: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Acting Administrator Marilyn Tavenner and the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Farzad Mostashari, M.D., today announced HHS's plan to accelerate health information exchange (HIE) and build a seamless and secure flow of information essential to transforming the health care system.

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Title: Declaración de la Secretaria del HHS, Kathleen Sebelius, acerca del Mes Nacional de la Salud de las Minorías


Description: Abril es el Mes Nacional de la Salud de las Minorías, un momento en el que reflexionamos sobre la increíble oportunidad a la que nos enfrentamos como nación para mejorar la salud de las minorías, mejorar la equidad en la salud y eliminar la desigualdades de salud.

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Title: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Statement on National Minority Health Month


Description: April is National Minority Health Month, a time when we reflect on the incredible opportunity we face as a nation to improve minority health, advance health equity, and eliminate health disparities.

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Title: Lyfechannel wins the Mobile App Challenge


Description: HHS Assistant Secretary for Health, Howard K. Koh, MD, MPH, today announced Lyfechannel as the winner of the Mobile App Challenge.

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Title: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month


Description: In May, we observe Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and celebrate the many contributions made by this diverse community.

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Title: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Mental Health Month


Description: Mental Health Month was established in 1949 to help bring attention to the importance mental health plays in Americans' lives.

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Title: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Older Americans Month


Description: This May, we mark the 50th anniversary of Older Americans Month. Ever since President Kennedy declared the first celebration in 1963, we have honored the contributions seniors make to our communities and have celebrated their rich years and experiences.

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Title: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on National Nurses Week


Description: National Nurses Week gives us a chance to recognize the contribution of the health care providers at the heart of our health care system.

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Title: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on National Asthma Awareness Month


Description: May is National Asthma Awareness Month, a time for us to renew our dedication to improving health outcomes for the 26 million Americans living with asthma, including 7.1 million children. It is also a time to call attention to where we can and must do more.

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Title: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on National Women's Health Week


Description: Starting with Mother's Day, next week we celebrate National Women's Health Week.

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Title: Obama administration releases final rules on employment-based wellness programs


Description: The U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and the Treasury continued to move forward to implement the health care law today, by issuing final rules on employment-based wellness programs.

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Title: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius statement on National Men's Health Week and Father's Day


Description: A father's love and full involvement in his children's lives is crucial to their health, well-being, and development.

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Title: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius statement on the 23rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act


Description: Today, we celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA has assisted millions of people with disabilities overcome and eliminate barriers in all areas of society, from schools and the workplace to housing and public transportation.

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Title: The 48th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid


Description: Today, we mark the 48th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid becoming law, a sacred promise our country made to older Americans and low-income working Americans and families that they will have the medical care they need to live healthier lives.

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Title: World Breastfeeding Week, August 1 – 7, 2013


Description: Today, August 1, marks the start of World Breastfeeding Week, a time when organizations and communities bring attention to the benefits of breastfeeding and offer moms support and encouragement to be successful at breastfeeding.

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Title: Recognizing National Health Center Week


Description: More than 21 million people are getting health care at nearly 9,000 community health center sites in every state and territory.

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Title: National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month 2013


Description: This year, thousands of American women – our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, daughters, and friends – will die from ovarian cancer.

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Title: World Suicide Prevention Day 2013


Description: Today is the eleventh observance of World Suicide Prevention Day. Suicide is a serious public health problem, but suicide is also a preventable public health challenge, one in which all of us can play a role.

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Title: National Hispanic Heritage Month 2013


Description: Beginning September 15, we celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month, recognizing the Latino community's contributions to the cultural richness and diversity of the United States. This year, the theme, "Hispanics: Serving and leading Our Nation with Pride and Honor," highlights how Latinos have helped shape and strengthen all aspects of our society – from industry and research, to faith, education, arts and entertainment, and health.

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Title: Nearly 2.2 million Americans selected plans in the Health Insurance Marketplace from October through December


Description: Nearly 2.2 million people have selected plans from the state and federal marketplaces by Dec. 28, 2013 (the end of third reporting period for open enrollment), Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced today.

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Title: Medicare's delivery system reform initiatives achieve significant savings and quality improvements - off to a strong start


Description: Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released findings on a number of its initiatives to reform the health care delivery system.

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Title: Eight in 10 uninsured Latinos may qualify for Medicaid, CHIP or lower costs on monthly premiums in the Health Insurance Marketplace


Description: A new report issued today by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finds that that nearly 8 in 10 uninsured Latinos may qualify for Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP),  or lower costs on monthly premiums through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

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Title: Ocho de cada 10 latinos sin seguro podrían calificar para Medicaid, el Programa CHIP o una reducción del costo de sus primas mensuales a través del Mercado de Seguros de Salud


Description: Según un nuevo informe publicado hoy por el HHS, aproximadamente 8 de cada 10 latinos sin seguro podrían calificar para Medicaid, el Programa de Seguro Médico para Niños (CHIP) o una reducción del costo de sus primas mensuales a través del Mercado de Seguros de Salud.

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Title: Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace climbs to 4.2 million in February

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Description: Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace continued to rise in February to a five-month total of 4.2 million.

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Title: National Autism Awareness Month


Description: Every day, the millions of Americans living with autism and their families face unique and daunting challenges that many of us will never fully appreciate. During National Autism Awareness Month, we renew our commitment to better understand autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and improve the lives of individuals living with it.

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Title: National Public Health Week


Description: National Public Health Week is a time to recognize progress we have made in strengthening and protecting the public health and to rededicate ourselves to the work of improving the health and well-being of Americans by preventing disease, supporting medical research, and promoting safer and healthier communities.

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Title: Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace totals over 8 million people


Description: Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace surged to eight million at the end of the first enrollment period, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced today.

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Title: Observing Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month


Description: In May, we celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and recognize the many contributions of these diverse and culturally rich communities to the fabric of American life.

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Title: Observing National Foster Care Month 2014


Description: Each May, National Foster Care Month serves as a reminder that there are children, youth, and families in our communities who require our collective support to achieve safety, permanence, and the tools needed to thrive in adulthood.

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Title: Observing 2014 National Nurses Week


Description: It is only fitting that the theme for this year's National Nurses Week is "Nurses: Leading the Way."

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Title: New HHS data show quality improvements saved 15,000 lives and $4 billion in health spending


Description: Today, the Department of Health and Human Services announced that new preliminary data show an overall nine percent decrease in hospital acquired conditions nationally during 2011 and 2012.

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Title: Observing National Mental Health Awareness Month


Description: During Mental Health Awareness Month, we recognize the significant advances our nation has made in our understanding of mental illness and in improving support and care for individuals with mental health problems.

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Title: Medicare Fraud Strike Force charges 90 individuals for approximately $260 million in false billing


Description: WASHINGTON – Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced today that a nationwide takedown by Medicare Fraud Strike Force operations in six cities has resulted in charges against 90 individuals, including 27 doctors, nurses and other medical professionals, for their alleged participation in Medicare fraud schemes involving approximately $260 million in false billings.

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Title: New funding gives states and innovators tools and flexibility to implement delivery system reform


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today announced new delivery system reform efforts made possible by the Affordable Care Act that offer states and innovators tools and flexibility to transform health care.

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Title: HHS announces the availability of $300 Million in Affordable Care Act funds to expand services at the Nation's community health centers


Description: Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today announced the availability of up to $300 million under the Affordable Care Act to help the nation's community health centers expand service hours, hire more medical providers, and add oral health, behavioral health, pharmacy, and vision services.

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Title: HHS Secretary Sebelius statement observing LGBT Pride Month


Description: At the Department of Health and Human Services, we are committed to ensuring that members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community have access to quality, affordable health care and enjoy the same rights and protections that all Americans expect and deserve.

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Title: 2014 National Men's Health Week and Father's Day


Description: National Men's Health Week, June 9-15, which concludes with Father's Day, is a good time to focus on how men can take control of their health. That includes eating right, being active, and taking advantage of certain preventive services, such as screenings for cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes.

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Title: New report shows premium affordability, competition and choice in the Marketplace in 2013-2014


Description: A new report released today by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finds that people who selected silver plans, the most popular plan type in the federal Marketplace, with tax credits paid an average premium of $69 per month.

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Title: Secretary Burwell announces steps to bolster management and accountability ahead of the 2015 open enrollment period


Description: Today Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell announced a series of management changes designed to strengthen the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

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Title: HHS announces auto-enrollment plans for current Marketplace consumers for 2015


Description: Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) expects to announce its plans for helping existing Marketplace consumers get auto-enrolled for next year.

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Title: Affordable Care Act helps 76 million Americans with private coverage access free preventive services


Description: Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell announced today that about 76 million Americans in private health insurance plans are newly eligible to receive expanded coverage for one or more recommended preventive health care services, such as a mammogram or flu shot, without cost sharing, because of the Affordable Care Act.

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Title: HHS awards $83.4 million to train new primary care providers


Description: Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell today announced $83.4 million in Affordable Care Act funding to support primary care residency programs in 60 Teaching Health Centers across the nation.

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Title: HHS announces the availability of $100 million in Affordable Care Act funding to expand access to primary care through new community health centers


Description: HHS Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell announced today the availability of $100 million from the Affordable Care Act to support an estimated 150 new health center sites across the country in 2015.Â

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Title: Health Care Innovation Awards to provide better health care and lower costs


Description: Today, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell announced new prospective awardees to test innovative care models, bringing the total amount of funding to as much as $360 million for 39 recipients spanning 27 states and the District of Columbia.Â

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Title: New resources improve states' abilities to advance Medicaid payment and delivery system reform


Description: Today, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced a new innovative collaboration with states to improve care for Medicaid beneficiaries by accelerating efforts in reforming their health care systems to improve health and care while reducing costs.

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Title: HHS announces availability of $11 million to better integrate HIV services into community health centers


Description: HHS Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced today the availability of $11 million, through the Affordable Care Act and the Secretary's Minority AIDS Initiative Fund, to support the integration of high‐quality HIV services into primary care through innovative partnerships between health centers and state health departments in Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland and New York.

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Title: New Study: 10.3 million gained health coverage during the Marketplace's first annual open enrollment period


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced today the release of a new study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, estimating that 10.3 million uninsured adults gained health care coverage following the first open enrollment period in the Health Insurance Marketplace.

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Title: Secretary Burwell announces steps to further strengthen HHS management team


Description: Today, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell has named Leslie Dach to a newly-created Senior Counselor position, to further strengthen the HHS leadership team and enhance the Department's ability to deliver impact for the American people.

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Title: Consumers have saved a total of $9 billion on premiums


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced today that consumers have saved a total of $9 billion on their health insurance premiums since 2011 as a result of the Affordable Care Act.

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Title: Over 8.2 million seniors have saved more than $11.5 billion on prescription drugs since 2010


Description: Information released today by the Department of Health and Human Services shows that more than 8.2 million seniors and people with disabilities with Medicare continue to enjoy prescription drug savings as a result of the Affordable Care Act, saving $11.5 billion since 2010.

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Title: HHS awards $54.6 million in Affordable Care Act mental health services funding


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced today $54.6 million in Affordable Care Act funding to support 221 health centers in 47 states and Puerto Rico to establish or expand behavioral health services for over 450,000 people nationwide.

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Title: HHS awards more than $106 million to support state home visiting programs


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced today  $106.7 million in FY 2014 grant awards to 46 states, the District of Columbia, and five jurisdictions as part of the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (Home Visiting Program) established by the Affordable Care Act.

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Title: Secretary Burwell announces Region II Director of HHS


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced her appointment of Jackie Cornell-Bechelli as Region II Director of HHS.

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Title: Administration takes steps to ensure women's continued access to contraception coverage, while respecting religious-based objections


Description: Today, the Administration took several steps to help ensure women, whose coverage is threatened, receive coverage for recommended contraceptive services at no additional cost, as they should be entitled to under the Affordable Care Act.

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Title: HHS and CMS announce new members of the management team ahead of 2015 Open Enrollment


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced today the most recent in a series of management hires intended to ensure a successful 2015 Open Enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace and make good on the promise that millions more Americans will be able to access quality, affordable health coverage.

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Title: The Affordable Care Act supports patient-centered medical homes in health centers


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell today announced $35.7 million in Affordable Care Act funding to 147 health centers in 44 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico to support patient-centered medical homes through new construction and facility renovations.

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Title: HHS announces $60 million to help consumers navigate their health care coverage options in the Health Insurance Marketplace


Description: The Affordable Care Act is working for millions of Americans who are able to access quality health coverage at a price they can afford, in large part because of the efforts of in-person assisters in local communities across the nation.

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Title: HHS awards more than $295 million in Affordable Care Act funds to increase access to primary care at health centers


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced today $295 million in Affordable Care Act funding to 1,195 health centers in every U.S. State, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Pacific Basin to expand primary care services.

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Title: New Affordable Care Act tools and payment models deliver $372 million in savings, improve care


Description: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) today issued quality and financial performance results showing that Medicare Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) have improved patient care and produced hundreds of millions of dollars in savings for the program.

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Title: Health care law saves consumers money, provides more resources to states


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell today released a new report showing that in 2013 alone, consumers benefitted from $1 billion in savings from lower than originally requested health insurance rates.

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Title: New Report: Health Insurance Marketplace will have 25 percent more issuers in 2015


Description: A report released today by the Department of Health and Human Services shows that consumers will have more choices as they shop for quality, affordable coverage on the Health Insurance Marketplace in 2015, because there will be a net 25 percent increase in the number of issuers offering Marketplace coverage in 2015.  In total, 77 new issuers will offer Marketplace coverage.

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Title: New report projects a $5.7 billion drop in hospitals' uncompensated care costs because of the Affordable Care Act


Description: A report released today by the Department of Health and Human Services projects that hospitals will save $5.7 billion this year in uncompensated care costs because of the Affordable Care Act, with states that have expanded Medicaid seeing about 74 percent of the total savings nationally compared to states that have not expanded Medicaid.

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Title: HHS announces nearly $212 million in grants to prevent chronic diseases


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell today announced nearly $212 million in grant awards to all 50 states and the District of Columbia to support programs aimed at preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

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Title: National Health Service Corps expands the primary care workforce in communities that need them most


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced today that because of the Affordable Care Act, $283 million has been invested in the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) in fiscal year 2014 to increase access to primary care services in communities that need it most.

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Title: HHS Secretary announces $840 million initiative to improve patient care and lower costs


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell today announced an initiative that will fund successful applicants who work directly with medical providers to rethink and redesign their practices, moving from systems driven by quantity of care to ones focused on patients' health outcomes, and coordinated health care systems.

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Title: Starting tomorrow, consumers can once again shop for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace


Description: Starting tomorrow, consumers can sign up for 2015 health insurance plans through, the call center, or in-person assistance.

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Title: Secretary Burwell announces Region IX Director of HHS


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell today announced the appointment of Melissa Stafford Jones as the Region IX Regional Director.

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Title: HHS announces partnerships to promote Health Insurance Marketplace starting on busiest shopping weekend of the year


Description: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced partnerships with Westfield Shopping Centers, The National Community Pharmacists Association and XO Group Inc., parent company of The Knot, The Nest and The Bump, to promote the Health Insurance Marketplace in conjunction with Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday.

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Title: Efforts to improve patient safety result in 1.3 million fewer patient harms, 50,000 lives saved and $12 billion in health spending avoided


Description: A report released by the Department of Health and Human Services today shows an estimated 50,000 fewer patients died in hospitals and approximately $12 billion in health care costs were saved as a result of a reduction in hospital-acquired conditions from 2010 to 2013.

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Title: Report shows more options and savings for consumers who shop in the Health Insurance Marketplace in 2015


Description: New choices and more competition in the Health Insurance Marketplace are giving consumers affordable options during Open Enrollment this year, and the majority of returning consumers who shop can save money on premiums, according to a report released by the Department of Health and Human Services.

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Title: HHS awards $36.3 million in Affordable Care Act funding to reward and expand quality improvement in health centers


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell today announced $36.3 million in Affordable Care Act funding to 1,113 health centers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and seven U.S. Territories to recognize health center quality improvement achievements and invest in ongoing quality improvement activities.

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Title: Department of Health and Human Services announces partnership with technology company PayNearMe to encourage consumers to visit Health Insurance Marketplace


Description: To reach more Americans this open enrollment season, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced a first-of-its-kind partnership between HHS and the electronic cash transactions company PayNearMe to reach financially underserved and other cash-preferring consumers.

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Title: HHS awards more than $665 million to design and test state-led efforts to improve health care quality, accessibility and affordability


Description: Twenty eight states, three territories and the District of Columbia will receive over $665 million in Affordable Care Act funding to design and test health care payment and service delivery models that will improve health care quality and lower costs, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced today.

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Title: Department of Health and Human Services collaborates with top technology platforms to reach consumers about the Health Insurance Marketplace


Description: To reach more Americans this open enrollment season, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has collaborated with top technology companies, and higi to utilize their technology platforms to encourage consumers to visit the Health Insurance Marketplace.

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Title: HHS partners with nation's largest pharmacies to promote Health Insurance Marketplace


Description: Department of Health and Human Services' Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced today that HHS is collaborating with the nation's largest pharmacies to encourage enrollment through the Health Insurance Marketplace at thousands of locations across the country.

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Title: 87 percent of people who selected 2015 plans through in first month of open enrollment are getting financial assistance to lower monthly premiums


Description: A report released by the Department of Health and Human Services today provides the first detailed analysis of enrollment in the Marketplaces for the first month of the 2015 open enrollment period.

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Title: Statements by Secretary Lew and Secretary Burwell on preparing for the upcoming tax season


Description: In preparation for the 2015 tax filing season, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Treasury Department are putting in place resources to provide tax filers with the information and resources they need to get their questions answered.

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Title: Better, Smarter, Healthier: In historic announcement, HHS sets clear goals and timeline for shifting Medicare reimbursements from volume to value


Description: In a meeting with nearly two dozen leaders representing consumers, insurers, providers, and business leaders, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell today announced measurable goals and a timeline to move the Medicare program, and the health care system at large, toward paying providers based on the quality, rather than the quantity of care they give patients.

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Title: Almost 6.5 million consumers qualify for an average tax credit of $268 per month through the Health Insurance Marketplaces


Description: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released today a report outlining the impact of advanced premium tax credits on premiums in the Health Insurance Marketplaces.

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Title: Since 2010, 9.4 million people with Medicare have saved over $15 billion on prescription drugs


Description: The Department of Health and Human Services released today new information that shows that millions of seniors and people with disabilities with Medicare continued to enjoy prescription drug savings and improved benefits in 2014 as a result of the Affordable Care Act.

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Title: Affordable Care Act initiative builds on success of ACOs


Description: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services today announced a new initiative from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' Innovation Center (CMS Innovation Center): the Next Generation Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Model of payment and care delivery.

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Title: Better, Smarter, Healthier: Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network kick off to advance value and quality in health care


Description: The Affordable Care Act established an ambitious new framework to move our health care system away from rewarding health providers for the quantity of care they provide and toward rewarding quality.

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Title: Affordable Care Act payment model saves more than $384 million in two years, meets criteria for first-ever expansion


Description: Today, an independent evaluation report released by the Department of Health and Human Services showed that an innovative payment model created as a pilot project by the Affordable Care Act generated substantial savings to Medicare in just two years.

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Title: HHS announces $101 million in Affordable Care Act funding to 164 new community health centers


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced today approximately $101 million in Affordable Care Act funding to 164 new health center sites in 33 states and two U.S. Territories for the delivery of comprehensive primary health care services in communities that need them most.

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Title: About 137 million individuals with private insurance are guaranteed access to free preventive services


Description: Nationwide, about 137 million individuals, including 55 million women and 28 million children, have private health insurance that covers recommended preventive services without cost sharing, according to a new ASPE Data Point from the Department of Health and Human Services.

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Title: March Effectuated Enrollment Consistent with Department's 2015 Goal


Description: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today released a data snapshot providing a detailed look at how many consumers paid their premiums in 2015 and had "effectuated" coverage in March 2015. During Open Enrollment for 2015 Marketplace coverage, through February 22, about 11.7 million Americans selected plans through the Marketplaces.

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Title: Statement by HHS Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell on the Affordable Care Act


Description: Today's Supreme Court decision confirms that the Affordable Care Act's tax credits are available to all eligible Americans no matter where they live.

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Title: Competition and Choice in the Health Insurance Marketplace Lowered Premiums in 2015


Description: The Health Insurance Marketplace established by the Affordable Care Act allows consumers to compare health insurance plans based on key factors, such as covered services, providers, and importantly, price.

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Title: HHS announces new funding to preserve Native languages and strengthen early childhood development and tribal courts


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell today announced up to $5.8 million to help tribal communities boost early learning and development services, enhance native language revitalization efforts, and assess and improve the handling of child welfare cases including abuse, neglect, guardianship and adoption.

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Title: HHS takes next step in advancing health equity through the Affordable Care Act


Description: Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a proposed rule to advance health equity and reduce disparities in health care.

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Title: HHS awards nearly $500 million in Affordable Care Act funding to health centers to expand primary care services


Description: Today, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced nearly $500 million in Affordable Care Act funding to support health centers nationwide in providing primary care services to those who need them most.

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Title: HHS Awards More Than $240 Million to Expand the Primary Care Workforce


Description: Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell today announced more than $240 million – including about $176 million in Affordable Care Act funding – to support the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) and NURSE Corps scholarship and loan repayment programs to increase access to primary health care in the communities that need it most.

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Title: Switching plans resulted in significant savings for Marketplace consumers


Description: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced today the findings of a new report that shows that consumers who reenrolled in the Health Insurance Marketplace last year and who switched to a plan with the same level of coverage saved nearly $33 per month after tax credits, or almost $400 annually, relative to what they would have paid had they remained in the same plan as in 2014.

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Title: Consumers will continue to find affordable options in the Health Insurance Marketplace in 2016


Description: A new report detailing affordability and plan choice in the Health Insurance Marketplace finds that with applicable tax credits, more than 7 in 10 current Marketplace enrollees could find plans for $75 a month in premiums or less, and almost 8 in 10 could find plans for $100 a month in premiums or less.

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Title: HHS Partners with LGBT Organizations to Promote Open Enrollment Activities during LGBT Week of Action


Description: With the December 15 deadline for coverage starting in January 2016 fast approaching, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced partnerships with key national organizations to support LGBT outreach and enrollment efforts during 2016 Open Enrollment.

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Title: HHS partners with nation's largest pharmacies to promote Health Insurance Marketplace


Description: As the deadline for signing up for coverage starting January 1 approaches, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell today announced that HHS is collaborating with some of the nation's largest pharmacies to connect consumers with health coverage and encourage enrollment through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

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