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Description: Информационное Агентство 112.ua – свежие новости политики, экономики Украины и мира, информация о чрезвычайных и криминальных событиях. На нашей Карте сайта обозначены актуальные события, которые происходят в Украине в режиме реального времени. С помощью Карты вы можете не только узнать, что происходит в вашем районе в настоящее время, но и сообщить всем о событии, очевидцем которого Вы стали.
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Subject: news
Description: Khronika Euromaidana.
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Subject: Euromaidan, Politics, Ukraine.
Description: ACCEPT Association is the first human rights NGO in Romania that defends and promotes the rights of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) nationwide. MISSION Defending and promoting the rights of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) in Romania, as human rights. VISION A society where sexual orientation and gender identity are considered simple characteristics of human beings.
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Publisher: Accept-Romania
Coverage: Romania.
Description: Site Self-Description: Gay.Ru, a non-for-profit Moscow- based gay, lesbian and transgender group has existed since 1996. It started as a discussion group under the name Fido7.Ru.Sex.Gay in the amateur messaging network FIDO. This was the first ever forum where Russian-speaking gays could discuss their problems. Our web-site features more than 15,000 articles and documents in Russian and 500 in English and updates daily. Gay.ru is visited by more than three million visitors yearly or over 30,000 hits a day, including weekends. We made Gay.Ru a place where our gay, lesbian, and questioning visitors can find such vitally important information as psychological aspects of coming out, coping with homophobia, safer-sex techniques; read life stories of fellow gays and lesbians and receive a response to their questions.
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Description: Site "Gay Portal of Ukraine" was opened on 1 December 2000. The purpose of creation of the project - giving the gay community a holistic resource covering all aspects of contemporary gay life and culture. The project is aimed at the audience of Ukraine and CIS countries. Website covering regional events in the gay community in Ukraine. On our portal you have the opportunity to learn about the latest trends in fashion and style, learn all about health, sex, and the psychology of gay society. Also, to have information about sports and fitness, cards, collection of photos, chat and message board.
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Description: http://hromadske.tv/ Hromadske.tv - це громадянська ініціатива, спільний проект відомих українських журналістів зі створення громадського мультимедійного медіа, завданням якого є об'єктивне та неупереджене інформування про важливі громадсько-політичні, економічні, культурні, соціальні процеси без цензури, лише у відповідності до публічних засад редакційної політики в умовах прозорого фінансування та звітування. Сьогодні Hromadske.tv запускає свій ресурс у бета-режимі. Але ми постійно розширюватимемо кількість програм власного виробництва. З часом на ресурсі стартують авторські програми членів команди: Сергія Андрушка - репортажі; Дмитра Гнапа -розслідування; Мустафи Найєма, Романа Скрипіна- інтерв'ю; низка документальних та портретних програм про українське суспільство.
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Subject: Ukraine Crisis
Creator: Hromadske.TV
Publisher: Hromadske.tv
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Creator: Sunshine Belarus.
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Creator: thawrah
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Creator: thawrah
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Description: Istorak or Breakthrough - the Center for sexual and gender minorities is an NGO founded in 12th January 2002. aimed commitment against all forms of discrimination and stigmatization of sexual minorities and their participation in society as equal citizens of the Croatian.
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Subject: LGBT Studies.
Description: Center for Equality Advancement (CEA) Center for Equality Advancement (CEA) is a public institution based in Vilnius . It was founded in July 2003 by three bodies: the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman and NGO Kaunas Women’s Employment and Information Center . CEA activities present a continuation of the Open Society Fund-Lithuania Women’s programme that was active in 1997-2002, expanding its scope in an attempt to unite the activities of governmental and nongovernmental organizations working in the field of gender equality in Lithuania .
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Creator: Center for Equality Advancement (CEA)
Coverage: Lithuania, European Union.
Description: Center for Equality Advancement (CEA) Center for Equality Advancement (CEA) is a public institution based in Vilnius . It was founded in July 2003 by three bodies: the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman and NGO Kaunas Women’s Employment and Information Center . CEA activities present a continuation of the Open Society Fund-Lithuania Women’s programme that was active in 1997-2002, expanding its scope in an attempt to unite the activities of governmental and nongovernmental organizations working in the field of gender equality in Lithuania .
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Creator: Center for Equality Advancement (CEA)
Coverage: Lithuania, European Union.
Description: Center for Equality Advancement (CEA) Center for Equality Advancement (CEA) is a public institution based in Vilnius . It was founded in July 2003 by three bodies: the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman and NGO Kaunas Women’s Employment and Information Center . CEA activities present a continuation of the Open Society Fund-Lithuania Women’s programme that was active in 1997-2002, expanding its scope in an attempt to unite the activities of governmental and nongovernmental organizations working in the field of gender equality in Lithuania .
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Creator: Center for Equality Advancement (CEA)
Coverage: Lithuania, European Union.
Description: Istorak or Breakthrough - the Center for sexual and gender minorities is an NGO founded in 12th January 2002. aimed commitment against all forms of discrimination and stigmatization of sexual minorities and their participation in society as equal citizens of the Croatian.
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Subject: LGBT Studies.
Description: Site Self-Description: Gay.Ru, a non-for-profit Moscow- based gay, lesbian and transgender group has existed since 1996. It started as a discussion group under the name Fido7.Ru.Sex.Gay in the amateur messaging network FIDO. This was the first ever forum where Russian-speaking gays could discuss their problems. Our web-site features more than 15,000 articles and documents in Russian and 500 in English and updates daily. Gay.ru is visited by more than three million visitors yearly or over 30,000 hits a day, including weekends. We made Gay.Ru a place where our gay, lesbian, and questioning visitors can find such vitally important information as psychological aspects of coming out, coping with homophobia, safer-sex techniques; read life stories of fellow gays and lesbians and receive a response to their questions.
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Description: Russian human rights of the LGBT project GayRussia.Ru is an organization for the protection of the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people, founded on 17th May 2005 in Moscow.
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Coverage: Russian Federation
Description: Title of Initiative Otherness - living together without discrimination of sexual minorities (Initiative Otherness) was first discovered in the Slovak media back in 2000. Then Ganymede (operating in Slovakia since 1990), along with other civic associations, Habit, Altera, Museion, H-plus and CKKISM, agreed to establish an informal grouping representing gay, bisexual and transgender people in the Slovak Republic. Under this brand and Ganymede carried out in the years 2000-2004 several projects.
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Description: Istorak or Breakthrough - the Center for sexual and gender minorities is an NGO founded in 12th January 2002. aimed commitment against all forms of discrimination and stigmatization of sexual minorities and their participation in society as equal citizens of the Croatian.
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Subject: LGBT Studies.
Description: Ukrainian Government Site
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Subject: News. politics
Creator: Crimean Government
Publisher: Ukrainian Government
Description: Ukrainian Government Site
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Subject: News. politics
Creator: Crimean Government
Publisher: Ukrainian Government
Description: The site that is attributed to the Lesbian movement of Slovakia.
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Creator: http://www.lesbi.ru/
Publisher: http://www.lesbi.ru/
Description: LORI is a site for lesbian movement of the town of Rijeka in Croatia.
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