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Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) | Commission de vérité et réconciliation (CVR)

Collected by: Library and Archives Canada | Bibliothèque et Archives Canada

Archived since: Nov, 2015


Library and Archives Canada's (LAC) Truth and Reconciliation Commission Web Archive provides access to archival copies of the websites of organizations connected with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), either as active partners at national events or through initiatives to support commemoration. The collection was curated in collaboration with the University of Winnipeg Library, the University of Manitoba Libraries, and the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR). For more information, please see LAC’s TRC Web Archive website: / Les archives Web de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (BAC) concernant la Commission de vérité et réconciliation (CVR) procurent un accès aux copies d'archives de sites Web appartenant à des organisations ayant un lien avec la CVR, soit en qualité de partenaires à part entière dans des événements nationaux ou par l'intermédiaire d'initiatives ayant pour but de soutenir la commémoration. La collection a été préparée et organisée en collaboration avec la bibliothèque de l'Université de Winnipeg, les bibliothèques de l'Université du Manitoba et le Centre national pour la vérité et la réconciliation (CNVR). Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter le site Web de BAC pour les archives Web concernant la CVR:

Subject:   Society & Culture

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Title: 1000 Conversations Across Canada on Reconciliation


Description: 1000 Conversations is a national campaign intended to engage all Canadians in dialogue about the history of residential schools, their resulting impacts, and the need for healing and reconciliation.

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Title: âpihtawikosisân


Description: The personal blog of Metis writer and educator Chelsea Vowel, who blogs about education, aboriginal law, and the Cree language, and includes entries on the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

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Title: Fading memory, fragmented records and the passage of time keep some residential school truths hidden forever


Description: This article argues that due to the gaps in records around residential schools, the federal government must fund ongoing investigations into the deaths of Indigenous students in the IRS system.

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Title: Apologies are only the start – a reflection on the release of the report by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.


Description: Article posted 8 July 2015 by Jonathan Rudin.

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Title: Reconciliation Pole | UBC Ceremonies and Events


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Title: Pensionnats indiens


Description: Un article sur le site Web d'Historica Canada qui traite de l'histoire des pensionnats indiens. Ressource également disponible en anglais.

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Title: Fondation autochtone de l'espoir


Description: FAE est un organisme caritatif national dirigé par des Autochtones et dont le but est d’éduquer et de sensibiliser la population au sujet de l’histoire et des nombreuses séquelles du Régime des pensionnats. Ces séquelles comprennent les répercussions directes et continues sur les survivants et survivantes des Premières Nations, métis et inuits, leurs collectivités et leurs descendants. Sa mission est de favoriser, par l’éducation, des relations justes et équitables de réconciliation et de guérison pour tous les Canadiens et Canadiennes.

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Title: Forgotten Metis


Description: This virtual exhibition, curated by Gregory Scofield for the Legacy of Hope Foundation, is the online counterpart to a touring exhibition that aims to give voice to the experience of the many Métis children forced to attend Indian Residential Schools.

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Title: La commission de vérité et réconciliation


Description: Une section qui concerne la Commission de vérité et réconciliation sur le site de Radio Canada.  Elle inclus des liens vers des articles et vidéos.

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Title: Indian Residential School Initiative / ourtruth


Description: A website designed to help users locate information about events and initiatives occurring at and around UBC in preparation for the TRC's National Event on September 18-21 2013. The website also host information on the development of a centre in the heart of UBC's Vancouver campus that will address the history and legacy of the Indian Residential School system.

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Title: After Truth and Reconciliation Commission report we need action


Description: Joyce Green argues that reconciliation must be accompanied by restitution in the form of land-returns, Indigenous jurisdiction over resources and tax room, and other compensatory amends.

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Title: Que sont les enfants devenus? L'expérience des pensionnats autochtones


Description: Développé en 2001, les objectifs de ce site Web sont les suivants: reconnaître les expériences et les impacts des pensionnats du Canada sur les peuples autochtones; créer un dossier public et historique de cette période de l’histoire canadienne qui pourrait être facilement accessible par les Canadiens; et à promouvoir la sensibilisation, la compréhension et l’éducation de l’histoire et de l’héritage des pensionnats.

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Title: Missing History: Recovering Canada's Lost Histories


Description: A project of the Legacy of Hope Foundation and building on the lesson plans of the LHF Edukit, this website offers an opportunity to deliver a message to Survivors, their families, communities, and to all Canadians about Canada’s residential school history, and about the importance of reconciliation and healing.

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Title: Aboriginal leader Phil Fontaine believes in reconciliation


Description: Published 9 March 2016. Former Assembly of First Nations national chief Phil Fontaine speaks of how Canada and its aboriginal people can work toward reconciliation.

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Title: Centre national pour la vérité et réconciliation


Description: Site Web dédié au Centre national pour la vérité et réconciliation de l'Université du Manitoba.

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Title: Rapports de la Vérité et la Réconciliation


Description: Liens vers des rapports publiés ou créés par la Commission vérité et réconciliation

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Title: Reports of theTruth and Reconciliation Commission


Description: Links to reports issued or created by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

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Title: Conrad Black: Canada’s treatment of aboriginals was shameful, but it was not genocide


Description: Commentary arguing that the residential school system, though shameful, does not fit the definition of genocide.

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Title: Wynne apologizes on behalf of Ontario for ‘brutalities’ suffered in residential schools


Description: Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne offered a formal apology on behalf of the Ontario government for the brutalities of the Indian Residential School System.

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Title: Five of the best recommendations from the Truth & Reconciliation Commission, and five that will be problematic


Description: Published 3 June 2015. Columnist Jen Gerson offers an assessment of 10 of the TRC's 94 recommendations.

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Title: New Heritage Minutes tackle ‘some hard truths about residential schools and treaties’ as part of reconciliation


Description: Published 21 June 2016. Article addresses the two new Canadian Heritage Minutes videos on the history of residential schools and treaties.

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Title: Skeleton of aboriginal girl, buried 180 years ago on Alberta farm, becomes unlikely ‘bridge builder’


Description: A ceremony was held in October 2015 to re-bury the bones of a young Aboriginal woman found on a farm near Viking, Alberta. The farmer contextualized the experience in terms of the findings of the TRC and the necessity of building bridges between cultures.

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Title: Remembering Chanie Wenjack


Description: The Presbyterian Church in Canada recognises that the story of Chanie Wenjack has an important place in its institutional history. The Presbyterian Church in Canada ran 11 residential schools between 1884 and 1969, including the Cecilia Jeffrey school in Kenora, Ontario.

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Title: Unlearning racism against Indigenous peoples in one generation


Description: Published 21 March 2016, this article describes the use of the KAIROS blanket exercise to teach participants, especially children, about Indigenous cultures.

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Title: Reconciliation Canada


Description: Reconciliation Canada engages Canadians in dialogue and transformative experiences in an effort to revitalize the relationships among Indigenous peoples and all Canadians.

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Title: Secret Path


Description: A website for the album and graphic novel, Secret Path, by Canadian musician Gord Downie. The project tells the story of Chanie Wenjack, who died fleeing the Celia Jeffrey Indian Residential School near Kenora, Ontario, in October 1966. Proceeds donated to the Gord Downie Secret Path Fund for Truth and Reconciliation via the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.

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Title: Mizana Gheezik


Description: Blog of Justice Murray Sinclair, Chair of the TRC.

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Title: Speaking My Truth


Description: The website for the Aboriginal Healing Foundation's three-volume series "Truth and Reconciliation," which includes "From Truth to Reconciliation;" "Response, Responsibility, and Renewal;" and "Cultivating Canada."

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Title: Residential Schools


Description: An article on the Historica Canada website that addresses the history of residential schools. Resource also available in French.

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Title: The Children Remembered: Residential School Archive Project


Description: The website for the United Church of Canada's The Children Remembered: Residential School Archive Project, which addresses the history of the church’s Indian Residential Schools. The project was intended to be a form of repatriation to First Nations communities and a recognition of the church's responsibility to engage in truth-telling about its role in the residential school system and colonialism.

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Title: Université du Manitoba - Centre national pour la vérité et réconciliation


Description: Le site Web officiel du Centre national pour la vérité et réconciliation (CNVR). Le CNVR était créé afin de préserver le souvenir du régime des pensionnats indiens et son héritage. Depuis 2015, le CNVR était le siège permanent de toutes les déclarations, documents et autres matériaux rassemblés par la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada (CVR). Ressource également disponible en anglais.

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Title: University of Manitoba - National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation


Description: The official web page for the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR). The NCTR was created to preserve the memory of Canada’s Residential School system and legacy. As of 2015, the NCTR has been the permanent home for all statements, documents, and other materials gathered by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.

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Title: Where are the Children? Healing the Legacy of the Residential Schools


Description: Developed in 2001, the goals of this website are: to acknowledge the experiences of, and the impacts and consequences of Canada’s Residential School System on Aboriginal peoples; to create a public and historical record of this period in Canadian history that could be easily accessed by Canadians; and to promote public awareness, understanding and education of the history and legacy of residential schools. This site is a counterpart to a touring exhibition that explores the history and legacy of Canada’s Residential School System.

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Title: Witness Blanket


Description: The website for the Witness Blanket project, which aims to stand as a national monument to recognise the atrocities of the Indian Residential School era, honour the children, and symbolise ongoing reconciliation. Inspired by a woven blanket, the large-scale art installation is comprised of hundreds of items reclaimed from Residential Schools, churches, government buildings and traditional and cultural structures including Friendship Centres, band offices, treatment centres and universities, from across Canada. The project was exhibited at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's national events.

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Title: Truth and Reconciliation


Description: Anglican Church of Canada's website on the Indian residential school system, including resources, findings of the TRC, and the church's apology for its role in the IRS.

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Title: Anglican Indian and Eskimo Residential Schools


Description: Information on Anglican Indian and Eskimo Residential Schools, including maps and historical details for each location.

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Title: 8th Fire: Aboriginal Peoples, Canada, and the Way Forward


Description: 8th Fire: Aboriginal Peoples, Canada & the Way Forward was a CBC broadcast documentary series that aired in 2012. Note: Some of the interactive and streaming elements of the live site could not be captured by the web crawler. Resource also available in French.

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Title: Watch now: Gord Downie's The Secret Path


Description: Presented in the Arts section of the CBC website, this page features the full two hour video of Gord Downie and Jeff Lemire's animated film "Secret Path," plus documentary footage and a panel discussion. The combined film and documentary with discussion panel originally aired on CBC television on Sunday, 23 October 2016.

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Title: 20 years since Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, still waiting for change


Description: Published 3 March 2016. Article contains reflections on the two decades that have passed since release of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples final report in 1996. The formation of the TRC was one of the major recommendations to emerge from the RCAP.

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Title: Canadian journalism schools respond to the TRC's calls to action


Description: Published 4 June 2016. Canadian journalism schools move to act in accordance with TRC call to action No. 86.

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Title: New Heritage Minute explores dark history of Indian residential schools


Description: A new Heritage Minute released for National Aboriginal Day tells the story of Chanie Wenjack.

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Title: Reconciliation totem pole goes up at UBC


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Title: National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation opens in Winnipeg


Description: The article describes the role of the NCTR as the permanent home for all statements, documents, and other materials gathered by the TRC.

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Title: New website aims to help non-aboriginal Canadians learn about indigenous issues


Description: A new website provides access to a network of information on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples, and helps non-Indigenous Canadians learn about Indigenous issues.

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Title: Judge approves $50M residential school settlement


Description: Article describing Justice Robert Stack's approval of the $50-million class-action settlement for survivors of Newfoundland and Labrador residential schools.

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Title: Students share emotional thoughts on reconciliation


Description: Students at Mayfair Community School in Saskatoon wrote letters on residential schools and reconciliation.

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Title: Meet the journalist who inspired Gord Downie and Joseph Boyden to write about Chanie Wenjack


Description: In 1967, Ian Adams wrote "The Lonely Death of Charlie Wenjack" for Maclean's magazine. In the fall of 2016, two Canadian cultural icons are crediting it as the source of inspiration for new works that tell the story of Wenjack's death after running away from residential school.

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Title: What Chanie Wenjack's sister wants from Gord Downie's Secret Path


Description: Fifty years after Chanie Wenjack's tragic death while running away from residential school, his sister says it's time every First Nation had its own school.

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Title: Gord Downie's Secret Path brings hope to Chanie Wenjack's family, 50 years after boy's death


Description: Chanie Wenjack is the subject of Gord Downie's new multimedia project, Secret Path, which includes a solo album, a graphic novel and an animated film. Wenjack's sister Pearl Wenjack says the change she has been seeking for 50 years is finally happening.

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Title: New Heritage Minutes spotlight 'black marks' on Canadian history


Description: Two new Heritage Minutes videos recount 'black marks' in Canadian history, including the breaking of treaties and the death of IRS students such as Chanie Wenjack.

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Title: Mulcair Demands PM Ask Pope To Apologize For Church's Role In Residential Schools


Description: NDP Leader Tom Mulcair has called on Prime Minister Stephen Harper to ask the Pope to apologize on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church for its involvement in Canada’s residential school system.

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Title: Alberta K-12 Students To Be Taught Painful Legacy Of Indian Residential Schools


Description: The Province of Alberta has announced that kindergarten to Grade 12 curriculum will include mandatory content on the significance of residential schools and First Nation treaties.

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Title: Education Of Residential Schools Should Be Mandatory: Commissioner


Description: Marie Wilson, a commissioner on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, has argued for mandatory education about residential schools for students across Canada.

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Title: Residential Schools: Promises Of Reconciliation Saved In Bentwood Box


Description: The bentwood box present at each national TRC event represents the commitment to achieving reconciliation between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples.

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Title: '22 Days' Reconciliation Project Sees Anglican Church Promote Residential School Survivors' Stories


Description: The Anglican Church of Canada marked the 22 days between the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's (TRC) final national gathering (May 31) and National Aboriginal Day (June 22) with the "22 Days" project, which promotes the stories of 22 people affected by residential school policy.

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Title: Mulcair Demands PM Ask Pope To Apologize For Church's Role In Residential Schools


Description: NDP Leader Tom Mulcair has called on Prime Minister Stephen Harper to ask the Pope to apologize on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church for its involvement in Canada’s residential school system.

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Title: Residential Schools Archive Will Try To Balance Survivor Concerns With Education


Description: The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba has a central role in preserving the millions of records collected by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and educating Canadians about residential schools.

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Title: Legacy of Hope Foundation: Raiding awareness of the legacy of residential schools


Description: LHF is a national Aboriginal charitable organization whose purposes are to educate, raise awareness and understanding of the legacy of residential schools, including the effects and intergenerational impacts on First Nations, Inuit, and Métis, and to support the ongoing healing process of Residential School Survivors. Fulfilling this mandate contributes towards reconciliation among generations of Aboriginal peoples, and between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in Canada.

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Title: Gord Downie’s not-so-Secret Path to truth and reconciliation


Description: On October 21, 2016 Gord Downie performed "Secret Path" at Roy Thompson Hall in Toronto. The event showcased the album, graphic novel, and animated film that tell the story of Chanie Wenjack, a 12-year-old boy from Ogoki Post.

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Title: Why Chanie Wenjack’s story might finally get action


Description: Published 12 September 2016. Article describes Gord Downie's efforts to raise awareness about the dark legacy of residential schools.

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Title: First came truth. Now comes the hard part.


Description: Published 25 June 2015. Award-winning author Joseph Boyden writes about truth, reconciliation, and the government response.

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Title: The Runaways Project: Help us tell these stories


Description: During its exhaustive investigation,  the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada uncovered evidence of at least 32 children who lost their lives while attempting to run away from residential schools. Maclean's magazine is listing the names and known details of those runaway children who did not survive and seeks public assistance in making more stories known. Article includes a link to the first story in the series.

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Title: 'Bridging the gap' between Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals


Description: Published 6 March 2016. Kallie Wood, a First Nations child of the 60s Scoop, speaks at Aboriginal Awareness Week.

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Title: Statement by Prime Minister on release of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission


Description: Statement issued by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after receiving the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

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Title: Déclaration du premier ministre à l’occasion de la présentation du rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation.


Description: Déclaration du premier ministre à l’occasion de la présentation du rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation. Ressource également disponible en anglais.

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Title: 8e Feu: les autochtones et le Canada, le sentier de l'avenir


Description: Ce site Web est relié à la programmation documentaire et radiophonique de Radio-Canada. Un certain nombre d'éléments interactifs et streaming n'ont pas pu être capturés.

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Title: Indian Residential School Virtual Museum


Description: A virtual museum intended to honour the experience of residential school survivors from the Prince Albert Grand Council First Nations.

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Title: Going Home Star - Truth and Reconciliation


Description: A Royal Winnipeg Ballet production commissioned by Artistic Director André Lewis with story by Joseph Boyden. The ballet explores the world of Annie, a young, urban First Nations woman and Gordon, a longhaired trickster disguised as a homeless man.

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Title: Getting the whole story of Shingwauk school


Description: Published 26 August 2009. Justice Murray Sinclair, chair of the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission, cites the Shingwauk Project as a possible model to be used for other schools and other regions.

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Title: Understanding between aboriginals, non-aboriginals key to reconciliation, Sinclair says


Description: An article detailing the ongoing work of Justice Murray Sinclair to achieve reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians.

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Title: Gord Downie’s Secret Path delivers on its heavy ambition


Description: Gord Downie brings attention to the history of residential schools with the 10-song album Secret Path and accompanying graphic novel by Jeff Lemire.

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Title: Truth, in hope of reconciliation: Gord Downie tells the tragic tale of Chanie Wenjack


Description: A review of Gord Downie's inaugural performance of the Secret Path at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, 18 October 2016.

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Title: Royals to see powerful residential schools monument on B.C. visit


Description: Published 15 September 2016. "When the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit British Columbia this month, they will come face to face with a powerful monument to a devastating consequence of colonization. The Witness Blanket is a beautiful piece of art about one of Canada’s ugliest chapters: the residential school system."

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Title: Gord Downie to release album, graphic novel about residential schools


Description: Canadian musician Gord Downie is releasing an album and graphic novel about Chanie Wenjack, who died after running away from the Cecilia Jeffrey Indian Residential School in Kenora, Ont., in October, 1966.

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Title: Ottawa still fighting lawsuit from Newfoundland residential-school survivors


Description: The federal Justice Department has sent a clear signal that Ottawa intends to fight a lawsuit brought by former residential school students in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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Title: Court ruling gives residential school survivors control over abuse testimony


Description: Published 4 April 2016. Canada’s residential-school survivors have been given control over historically important documents on abuse after the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that they had an expectation of privacy when they created the documents through testimony in closed hearings.

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Title: Legal misstep lets Catholic Church off hook for residential schools compensation


Description: Published 17 April 2016. Article argues that a miscommunication by a federal lawyer allowed the Catholic Church to renege on its obligation to try to raise $25-million to pay for healing programs for the survivors of Indian residential schools.

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Title: Can you hear Gord Downie's call for reconciliation?


Description: Ry Moran, director of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, expresses hope that Gord Downie's efforts will help Canada and the NCTR implement some of the TRC's calls to action.

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Title: The Canadian First Nation suicide epidemic has been generations in the making


Description: Published 12 April 2016, this article links the suicide epidemic on remote First Nations reserves to intergenerational trauma and abuse created by the Indian Residential Schools.

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Title: Syrian children at Toronto hotel get aboriginal-themed welcome


Description: Published 13 March 2016.

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Title: What Indigenous reconciliation means for millennials


Description: Published 21 March 2016. This opinion-piece argues that it is time for non-Indigenous millennial Canadians to think more seriously about the relationship they want to build with Indigenous communities

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Title: Sudbury to host reconciliation conference


Description: Published 14 March 2016. Youth from across the country gather in Sudbury from March 17-19 for the Canadian Roots Exchange National Youth Reconciliation Conference: Niigaanzhaadaa, Moving Forward Together, Avançons ensemble.

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Title: Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada (Site archivé)


Description: Le site Web original de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada avant sa réinstallation au Centre national pour la vérité et réconciliation.

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Title: Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (Archived Site)


Description: The original website for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada prior to its relocation to the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.

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Title: The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund


Description: A website for the fund created by Canadian musician Gord Downie to support the work of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. The Fund is focused on cross-cultural education to support healing and recovery and foster relationships between non-Indigenous and Indigenous people, with all proceeds going to the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.

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Title: Jesse's Thesis: Behind the scenes of the TRC's (Truth and Reconciliation Commission) National Research Centre (NRC)


Description: Blog maintained by Jesse Boiteau, an Archives Studies Masters student at the University of Manitoba, who documents the processes behind the creation of the National Research Centre (NRC) for Truth and Reconciliation.

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Title: National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation


Description: Dedicated website for the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba. Resource also available in French.

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Title: Ahead of the TRC closing event: some of #MyReconciliationIncludes


Description: A list of just some of the Tweets with the #MyReconciliationIncludes hashtag from the days before the TRC Closing Event from 31 May to 3 June 2015

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Title: Catholic church in Canada repudiates ‘Doctrine of Discovery’ and ‘terra nullius’


Description: Published 30 March 2016. As part of a national response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action 48 by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Catholic leaders have expressed support for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People and repudiates illegitimate concepts and principles used by Europeans to justify the seizure of land previously held by Indigenous Peoples.

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Title: We Were So Far Away [Video]


Description: A Vimeo video from the resources page of the Forgotten Metis website in which eight Survivors, two from each of the Inuit geographic regions (Nunavik, Nunavut, Nunatsiavut and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region) share their stories.

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Title: The Day of Apology [Video]


Description: A Vimeo video from the resources page of the Forgotten Metis website that provides highlights of June 11 2008, the day the Prime Minister of Canada issued an apology for the Indian residential school system.

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Title: Flickr - Project of the Heart


Description: This Flickr site lists all images from

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Title: Justin Trudeau pledges reconciliation in Canada after Aboriginal abuse


Description: Published 15 December 2015. The forcible separation of some 150,000 children from their families over more than 100 years was an attempt to end the existence of Aboriginals in Canada, a report concluded.

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Title: Canada's indigenous schools policy was 'cultural genocide', says report


Description: Published 2 June 2015. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission delivers its verdict on church-run residential institutions. It finds residential schools to be one of Canadian history’s ‘darkest and most troubling chapters’.

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Title: Canada confronts its dark history of abuse in residential schools


Description: Published 6 June 2015. The TRC's landmark report reveals the Indian Residential School system’s brutal attempt to assimilate thousands of native children for more than a century and gives voice to survivors.

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Title: TheTRCCanada - YouTube


Description: Videos relating to the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, including footage from national events.

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Title: Gord Downie: Exclusive Interview [Video]


Description: Canadian musician Gord Downie speaks with CBC broadcaster Peter Mansbridge about his cancer diagnosis and why he's focusing on Indigenous issues with his "Secret Path" project.

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