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retroTECH Save This Site!

Collected by: Georgia Institute of Technology Archives

Archived since: Jul, 2016


This collection contains web content collected as part of the Georgia Tech Library retroTECH's Save This Site! initiative, which invites members of the Georgia Tech community to nominate web content for archiving. For more information about retroTECH, visit

Subject:   Universities & Libraries Society & Culture Spontaneous Events Georgia Institute of Technology Internet--History Web archiving Web archives

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Title: The Literature of New Media, Kate Holterhoff


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: This website lists all the activities and projects of English 1102C This website provided me with all the necessary information to pass this class, and it may be encouraging to future generations that such a namazing literature professor exists.

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Title: Aditya Vishwanath, Aditya Vishwanath


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: A personal portfolio website for Aditya Vishwanath - dated August 2016 It is my personal bio and portfolio as of today.

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Title: Alumni and Friends


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: "Site for LMC Alumni. I feel that the page could be useful to show students what we are about."

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Title: BallDroppings, JT Nimoy


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: This simple game involves drawing lines to bounce balls that are dropped from the top of the screen. The bounces make music and a pleasing visual display. This content is an aesthetically pleasing and enjoyably simple game. It is an artifact of interactive creativity on the web.

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Title: Personal Blog, Torunn Stuen


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: "Fashion, Style, Beauty, & Life Blog. Looking back on past styles can help re-create new styles or compare the two."

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Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: It's just a picture of a crouton I don't understand why this website was made and I want future generations to be confused as well.

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Title: Digg, Jay Adelson


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: A site that links to some of the most popular topics on the internet. This was the first time an internet community was formed rather than a forum specific community. Unlike other social media, there was anonymity to the user, and this website summarized only "the happenings" on the internet. Digg would go on to spark sites like Reddit, 4Chan, and Tumblr.

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Title: Senior Design Expo Project List


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: List of senior design projects that are presented at the capstone expo Will help students see previous projects and would be cool to see projects from previous generations.

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Title: Critical Role: Episode 1, Geek and Sundry


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Internet page with embedded video of the first episode of the Twitch show Critical Role, where a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors roll dice and play Dungeons and Dragons The long story told by these friends is compelling and engaging. I personally love these characters and their struggles. This show is also one of the most popular ones online, and it helped push role playing games into the mainstream.

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Title: Grand Challenges Team Hydrogauge


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Team site for Georgia Tech Grand Challenges Team Hyrdoguage This website shows the progress of my Grand Challenges Team after almost one year of working together

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Title: Gamefest - Hosted by eSports @Georgia Tech, Georgia Tech eSports Organization


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: This site contains information regarding current and future gaming LAN events held on the Georgia Institute of Technology campus. In particular, the site covers the semesterly-held LAN Gamefest. This site may be shut down come Spring semester, and it should be preserved for the sake of future GT eSport officers to use as promotional information, as well as provide a backstory to how GT became a top region in eSports

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Title: Historic Rural Churches of Georgia, Sonny Seals


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Title: I love you like a fat lady loves apples, Geoffrey Lillemon


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: A tripple A title game all in your web browser This is a true work of interactive art. Future generations will truly appreciate the surrealism.

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Title: Kantwon, Kantwon Rodgers


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Kantwon's personal website that depicts everything he is doing with his life. He is a Computer Science Professor here at Tech, and his video lessons are really helpful for me. Also, his website is really cool and shows how fun tech can be.

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Title: Library of Babel, Jonathan Basile


Description: "This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Digital Recreation of Jorge Borges' short story "The Library of Babel" In this information age, we are constantly surrounded by more text, audio and video than we could ever process in one lifetime. But the world wasn't always this way. was created by Jonathan Basile, who built the website as homage to the short story "The Library of Babel" (""La biblioteca de Babel""), written in 1941 by Jorge Luis Borges. The story describes a fantastic library that contains every possible book in existence. Specifically, every possible combination of 410 pages of letters, spaces, and punctuation marks existed somewhere in the incomprehensibly vast library. Everything that had or ever could be written was there. However, because the library contained every possible combination of symbols, the vast majority of books were gibberish. Indeed, the woeful librarians went mad trying to find ""The Catolouge"", the book which would tell them how to find all other meaningful books in the library (such a book must exist, if every possible combination of 410 pages is in the library). The website itself is much more inviting than a near-infinite labyrinth of library rooms. A user is invited to browse the library of babel however he or she pleases, through a clean, modern web aesthetic that directs all of your attention to the books on the otherwise white monitor. However, the website makes an impossible claim: to contain every single book in the library of babel. How is this possible? The website uses a ""reversible hash function"", which can map any input to a random number, and map the number back to the original string. Therefore, the website's servers themselves don't have to store a single one of the pages (which is good, because there are more possible pages than atoms in the universe). Instead, when a user asks for a random page, a random number is generated, fed into the hash function, and a page comes out. An important note is that it will always be the same page that comes out if you use the same number. One might now complain, saying that the great library is just a technological illusion, not an infinite source of knowledge. However, the library never claimed to have knowledge, it only claims to have books. It is up to us to decide whether or not to search for meaning within. Even though the inner working of the library are very simple, it stands as a testament to a time when all website were individual works of effort, and webmasters spent years building site to reflect their hobbies, interests, and desires. To this extent, the library succeeds in showing us the web at it's best: as a place to create, browse, and wonder. I am well aware of the technical difficulties involved in archiving this site. Unfortunately, Mr. Basile has implemented his generator on the server side, and therefore it may be impossible to archive it without contacting him, and asking him to move the generator into a JavaScript file loaded with the website in the browser. However, even if we can only save a few pages, the educational power of the website would not be diminished, because curious readers can always read about the history of the site on the information page, and read about others' past explorations in the forums.

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Title: Are There "Archetypes" of Instagram?, Jonathan Beaver


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: This webpage analyzes the use of the hero archetype on Nike's Instagram page It shows how social media adopted traditional literary tools and hopefully encourages others to keep the importance of literature near in the future.

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Title: Lost World's Fairs, Mighty / Jason Santa Maria


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: "Internet Explorer 9 now supports WOFF, and the Friends of Mighty have joined forces to explore typographic possibilities on the web." This was an influential web design project that showed the early possibilities of web typography.

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Title: The Water[s], Mick Jenkins


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: "An online download/ streaming host for the mixtape The Water[s]. This is a free album that I really like, and I want to make sure it can be accessed for free in the future."

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Title: O Home-page, Jackson Morgan


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: The Home Page for where I freak out over the fact that I got a single letter domain name. It's my site, and I don't think anyone will super care about it.

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Title: Poorly Drawn Lines, Reza Farazmand


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: A comic series I personally enjoy this comic series and think that it is interesting to see how comics evolve over time, individually and different series.

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Title: Product Placement in Casey Neistat Vlogs, Aaron Green


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: analysic of how Casey Neistat integrates procuct placement into his Youtube videos This is meaningful to me because I made this website, and it may be useful to future generations because I believe that media platforms like Youtube will change over time.

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Title: The Revival Library, Tony Cauchi


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: An Online Library of the History of Christian Revivals This web content matters because the information collected on this site can stir up future generations of Christians by showing them the patterns of revival of the church. These patterns can act as an example or model of revival for newer generations or help to inspire them to seek God's love in this world.

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Title: Rizky Suwoto portfolio, Rizky Suwoto


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Portfolio made by Rizky Suwoto To see if there is a progress I made over the year

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Title: TEDxAwty Website - Awty International School, Hamidreza Nazemi


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: A website made for the TEDxAwty event held at the Awty International School in Houston, Texas. The event was started by Ellana Slade and Simona Everts and will hopefully remain a continuing tradition. I helped in making the first TEDxAwty possible and also managed it's website, live streams, and recordings. Beyond my own attachments to it, it would be great for future generations and those interested in TED talks to be able to see these videos and it will also be a great archive for Awty International School students to look at in the future and see what their school organized, who ran it, who spoke, what the school facilities looked like among many other things.

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Title: Timeline


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: A timeline of "The Doomsday Clock" and its changes over time It is a good metric of the rise and fall of tensions throughout the world

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Title: The Mantis Shrimp Infographic, The Oatmeal


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: This is a vibrant infographic about the mantis shrimp. The drawings are cartoonish and playful, yet the text is informative with matching font. This is a wonderful example of a good infographic. This site is a great example of connecting and flowing images with text, an important concept in our current technological world and pertains to my major.

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Title: The 50 Most Influential Gadgets of All Time


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: An article depicting the 50 most influential pieces of technology of all time I think it will be interesting to look at in future generations to see how much future technology has changed from what time considers the 50 most influential gadgets of all time right now in 2016.

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Title: Paul's Online Math Notes, Paul Dawkins


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Math topics from algebra, calculus, and differential equations It matters to me since math is my area of study and I feel like this website does a great help others who struggle with math with its extensive amount of math topics and great examples and explanations.

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Title: Global Grub Collective, we suki suki


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: The current listings for the vendors and hours of the Global Grub Collective, located in East Atlanta. The Global Grub Collective is one of the most interesting spaces for pop-up restaurants and vendors in Atlanta. I''m interested in archiving this page at this moment because I'm sure the place will change and I want to keep a record of the vendors who have been there before.

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Title: Ng Eain Yow advances to world championships


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Article detailing a qualifying win for a junior player in his first senior tournament The player in question is a friend and a rising star in the world of squash. He is already making a mark at such a young age and may become a world star in the future, this article could be a piece of his journey to the pinnacle of squash.

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Title: Don Knuth's Home Page, Don Knuth's Home Page


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: "This is the personal web page of computer scientist Donald Knuth. Donald Knuth made many influential contributions to computer science and mathematics which are documented on this website. The site also provides insight into his personality which would likely be lost if only his academic writings are preserved."

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Title: Don Knuth's Home Page, Donald Knuth


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: This is the personal web page of computer scientist Donald Knuth. Donald Knuth made many influential contributions to computer science and mathematics which are documented on this website. The site also provides insight into his personality which would likely be lost if only his academic writings are preserved.

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Title: Addicting Games


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: It is a series of arcade games I played as a kid I used to play this a lot as a kid. It is a piece of my childhood. It should be meaningful to the future because it shows how games have changed over time

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Title: - What's Your Question?,


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: A search engine that used to be popular This was the first search engine I used. The history of search engines is interesting. It is easy to forget that Google wasn't always around.

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Title: World Paper Money Catalog and History of World Currency,


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: tells different countries' old and new currency it tells what is and was currency being used in different countries. So, for future generation, it works as historical data as same for current generation.

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Title: Breadfish


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Endless fish in loafs of bread scattering across the page while music is played in the background It's so weird that I enjoy it, the music is actually really catchy

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Title: CS 1301 Practice Tests, Jay Summet


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: This site contains helpful information from one of Jay Summet's classes. This site has helped me excel in my CS 1301 class, and I know it will continue to do so for many others.

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Title: The Census of the World, United States Census Bureau


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Title: CNN homepage


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Current news The current state of the election is on this website

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Title: North Cobb High School Homepage


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Features the homepage of the high school that I attended It has information on teachers I've taken in the past

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Title: Great Games and Puzzles


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Title: TONC, Jasper Vijn


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: GBA Programming Documentation This site includes GBA hardware and (non-official) software documentation which can be used to preserve GBA games even when the physical hardware used to play them ceases to exist by enabling the creation of emulators. In addition this documentation can be used for the creation of new homebrew games for the GBA platform.

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Title: EM by Emi Muto - Blog, Emi Muto


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Her blog is a look inside Emi Muto's life --from fashion advice to lifestyle choices. Her content matters to me because she is someone who is growing with Atlanta and is showcasing it through her own stylish view. Atlanta is growing so much right now with art, film, and fashion and I think local people like her who represent that growth well should be preserved.

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Title: IGN


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Premier video game news and review website Majority of the video game content I've followed on the internet has been covered by IGN. An archive of IGN would be an archive of the media coverage of video games for the last 20 years. Watching video games move into the mainstream has been an immense joy of mine, and I feel like this feeling could be encapsulated in the webpages of IGN.

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Title: IMDb Top 250, Col Needham


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Movie Rankings and Reviews This website shows what video entertainment the world enjoys at a certain time. Collecting such information over a period of time reflects the change in artistic tastes and is a great way to reflect the changing times.

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Title: INVEN, 게임, 그 이상의 유토피아 - 인벤


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: "inven games. many game information and discussion."

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Title: iRepair Atlanta, John Stauffer


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: My business site Important so i can show my kids

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Title: Earnhardt Tribute, Jayski


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Historical page of the day Dale Earnhardt died Dale is one of my sporting heros and it is fascinating and moving to see the emotions poured out after his untimely death.

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Title: Kobe Bryant


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Kobe Bryant's homepage He is one of the greatest basketball players of all time.

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Title: Personal site, Louisiana Junior Classical League


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Title: Submachine Game Series, Mateusz Skutnik


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: This is the homepage for the series of online games known as Submachine. Submachine is a little-known but deeply profound and impactful game, and certainly one of the most important achievements in the history of point-and-click games. It is my hope that future generations will find the stirring, futuristic, apocalyptic, and lonely nature of this game series to be extremely unique and meaningful.

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Title: When someone you hate says anything at all, Rhonda Wilder


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Title: Miniclip SA


Description: Georgia Institute of Technology (

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Title: MyFridgeFood


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: This website provides recipes and meal suggestions after you select all the food you have available with you at the moment. It is helpful because it can provide great knowledge to people who want to learn how to cook.

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Title: Georgia Tech Football History Database,


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: The webpage documents the history of Georgia Tech's Football Program, including conference/division championships, bowl games, coaches, and records. As a student at Georgia Tech and a person from the South, football is a big passion of mine. I believe our team's history should be well documented for future generations so they know the pride and history behind our wonderful Institution.

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Title: National Geographic Homepage


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Homepage for the National Geographic Magazine I collect National Geographic Magazines, and my favorite part about my collection is looking at how the content and message changes over time. If we archive the webpage, we can do something similar to what I do with my collection.

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Title: AT&T Wants Time Warner for Eyes, Ears, and Ads, Vauhini Vara


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Article describing reasons for AT&T's acquisition of Time Warner The evolution of AT&T

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Title: No Man's Sky: About Page, Hello Games


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Description of the 2016 game which shall live forever in infamy. The release of No Man's Sky is a watershed moment in the games industry. A record number of people were treated to a product that vastly under delivered on its promises, and the developers have disappeared since without a trace. Will people's consumption habits change in the future such that they wait for reviews before buying a game instead of pre-ordering?

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Title: WATCH: Obama Reads 'Mean Tweets' — Including One From Trump, Brian Naylor


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Title: The New York Times, The New York Times


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: "Today's Paper" of a popular newspaper that covers American concerns It is 11 days before a key presidential election and this newspaper covers American concerns.

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Title: Dynamic Periodic Table, Michael Dayah


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Title: RealClear, Real Clear Politics


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Snapshot of 2016 electoral college map 15 days before election day. People need to see how controversial this election was, and how to prevent another election like this.

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Title: Election 2016 Presidential Polling


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: This is a polling of the strangest presidential election we've ever had (objectively) This is a crazy election and it should be documented.

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Title: Regal Cinemas


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Movies that are showing the the atlanta area regal cinemas theaters Entertainment is constantly changing in form. Film techniques and styles change. Theaters may even eventually become obsolete

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Title: Sleeping with Cannibals Smithsonian Aritcle, Paul Raffaele


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Article about the Korowai tribe in New Guinea It would be meaningful because not many articles exist about the Korowai tribe and cannibals and I believe it would be interesting to read for future generations.

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Title:, Lou Dobbs


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: News and information about Space, Space flight, and Space technologies I find this website very interesting and important. It is interesting to me because I have always been passionate about science and space and this site shows the most current information on these topics. is also very important because it will always be relevant. Space flight and space technology are emerging fields and they are both gaining more popularity. Future generations will be able to use this website to see the current space news as well as the history of space technologies.

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Title: literature


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: offers simple study guides for works of literature and the 4 main subjects. Personally, I have used sparknotes since the beginning of high school during the “Shakespeare” unit, till present day in college where I use it for topics that I did not understand during long lectures in class, or if I needed a quick recap before a test. The overall web content of sparknotes matters to me since it is a free public resource that has helped me earn good grades in school and has boosted my confidence in reading difficult literature because I can finally understand the major themes. Furthermore, it will be very meaningful to future generations since it will simply help them ease their studying by not only greatly reducing their overall study time but also actually help them understand difficult material through the form of simple study guides. I believe the future generations will appreciate how much time they have saved in studying through one simple website instead of spending multiple hours on various other websites.

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Title: Stade Rennais Online - Actualité et infos transferts a Rennes, Nils Talibart (Stade Rennais Online)


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: This is a website about my french soccer team. I have been following them since I was a child, along with my father and grandfather. This isn't the team's official website, but it has all up-to-date content from journalists and professionals regarding rumors, transfers, news, etc. It matters to me because of how much the team matters to me. I have been following this website for over 5 years now, and it is in many ways much more useful than the teams official website. This is because the official website can't post lies or rumors or anything like that, since they have to maintain credibility. This website however, is fan-made by professional journalists and the like, so they post every rumor, news, etc. that comes about in regards to the team.

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Title: Quizilla


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: A collection of user submitted quizzes and fan-fiction. Saving it would be like saving a fossil, it's not necessarily a well designed website, but it meant a lot to pre-teens in the early 2000's.

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Title: How To MakHow To Make Awesome Pizza at Homee Awesome Pizza at Home, emma


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: making pizza we all love pizza!

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Title: Dakota Access Pipeline protesters arrested and pepper sprayed, Rachel Becker


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: A short article reporting the force that police have been taking on protesters of a recent oil pipeline. It is a current issue, and online news sources, like The Verge, are extremely relevant to today's people.

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Title: Tolkien Estate


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: All about Tolkien's work I love it

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Title: Why Study Liberal Arts?, Richard Sigurdson


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: It’s an article about the importance of liberal arts. It’s important because it demonstrates the purpose of getting a liberal arts education.

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Title: South Korea's President Apologizes Over Speech Scandal, Jane Onyanga-Omara


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: This article depicts the recent issue of South Korea's president, Park Guen-hye, apologizing for letting her acquaintance access the script of her public speech. This article highlights the injustice the government branch in my country, South Korea, is facing. Such misuse of democracy must be noted and remembered to prevent any other similar occurrences. The outrage the citizens of Republic of Korea is feeling must be remembered.

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Title: Space Jam, Warner Brothers


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: The Space Jam Homepage Everybody needs to get up, cause it's time to jam now. We've got a real jam going down. Welcome to the space jam. Here's your chance do your dance at the Space Jame. Allright?

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Title: Where's George?, Royce Redfern


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: It tracks dollar bills by stamped code. As a child, finding that code on a dollar bill was a close second to Christmas Eve. I would rush to the computer and could not load the website fast enough. It was fascinating for me to know how far my bill had traveled around the country. Holding something that had been in so many places really made me consider what sort of things it was used to buy. Tracking dollar bills is a great lesson in money circulation and more general, economic activity as a whole.

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Title: xkcd, Randall Munroe


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: A web comic exploring humor through science and math. Randall Munroe’s xkcd comics, although very simplistic, are very entertaining to an audience of all ages. Some days he uses science, math, computer programming, or other topics to either poke fun at it through the use of satire or explain common complaints from the topic. The use of stick figures also allows Munroe to create occasional interactive comics where visitors can explore a massive image for pop culture references. Another example was the comic that allowed users to see what virtual plants would grow and what animals appear under different light colors. This web comic is accessible to all people, even if the topics he occasionally uses are not understood by the reader. Future generations may be interested in it to see what kind of pop culture references were being used by people that were creating content that was being consumed on a global scale. This would allow for studies in the kind of humor that was around at the beginning and end of the comic lines life. It would also show the advances in technology, science, and math since their use online.

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Title: Archive-It, Archive-It - Web Archiving Services for Libraries and Archives


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: "Website for online archiving. Archives are known to keep track of many different materials, but archives themselves should also be archived to preserve their state at a certain time. It can be used to document how an archive grew over the years and how it has been developed over time."

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Title: Card Games, Einar Egilsson


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Card Game Website It teaches the user a variety of card games.

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Title: Disney World Main Website, Disney


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: The main website of Disney World - 2016 In the future you would be able to see the different techniques Disney tried to use to appeal to viewers of their website.

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Title: Anxiety on Wikipedia October 2016, Wikipedia (many credible sources)


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: A description of the mental illness, anxiety, and its history, causes, symptoms, etc. Our knowledge of anxiety as a disorder will develop in the coming years. It will be interesting to look back at how general knowledge for the layperson was represented now versus then.

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Title: Wikipedia Page of Unusual Articles


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Holds a list of true/verfied wikipedia pages that are unusall or different in nature This page changes constantly as new and unusall wikipedia pages are found so it would be cool to see the progression of the list.

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Title: Endangered Species


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: This is a wikipedia article that gives details about many of the systems we use to rank animals as endangered, and many examples of endangered species. It is valuable to see what species were endangered during this time period because in the future we can see how much our actions have shaped the natural world around us.

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Title: Wikipedia | The free encyclopedia, Jimmy Wales, Larry Sanger


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that is free for everyone. Wikipedia is one of the greatest achievements of the information age. The site has a wealth of knowledge available for absolutely anyone, completely free of charge. Individual users have contributed content for over a decade and self-corrected it to ensure that the information available is accurate. Wikipedia will be meaningful to future generations because they will get a chance to see how much humanity can achieve through collaboration efforts. I truly hope that these future societies can learn from the example set forth by Wikipedia contributors and change the world for the better.

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Title: Virtual Reality page on


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Title: HackGT 2016, Ashay Seth


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Main site for hackathon at Georgia Tech The web content matters to me the most because it was the first website I designed and created. For future generations for both HackGT staff and hackers, it reflects a time where we really changed the course for how we redefined "hacking" into a more healthier practice as our theme implies.

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Title: Humans versus Zombie at GT, Previous unknown GT alumni


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Home page of HvZ at Gatech, introduces the game and contains links to various features that make the game possible such as Databases, rules, chatroom, and leaderboards. Must sign in to access features. I play this game of tag every semester it comes up, it is special to me and to the 300 other people involved. It is one of the quirkiest traditions on Campus and many students pour lots of effort into this game to make it a success.

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Title: Project website, Joseph


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Personal research site I created this site for a research project and it can be used to look into how celebrities are like characters who create their own public personality.

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Title: One Doom fan, 300 hours, one gargantuan level, Zack Zweizen


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: An article describing a uniquely huge Doom map that was created by Ben Mansell. It's interesting that fans continue to make content for a game that is decades old.

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Title: Hokuou Kizoku to Moukinzuma no Yukiguni Karigurashi, Kudarajin


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Title: Google translate, Google inc


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Google translate translates multiple languages Future generations would able to see the history of improvement of translating program

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Title: 1102 New Media Tweet, Sally Hedrick


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Title: Class Twitter Account, Joseph


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Class twitter used at Ga Tech I created this Twitter for a class and it has been liked and retweeted by a some cool people like Tyler Oakley.

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Title: jomny sun, Jonathan Sun


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Twitter account It provides a snapshot of Twitter with very entertaining content.

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Title: bunnie:studios, Andrew Huang


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Engineering Blog: Focus on manufacturing Excellent perspective on manufacturing in Shenzhen

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Title: Donald Trump's Site, Donald Trump


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Donald Trump's Campaign Website They need to understand our trauma.

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Title: dramafever, drama fever corporation


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: asian movies and show provider The reason that I choose this website is on the belief that movie and show were created to teach and entertain the audience. It also show the way people can get long with others and develop a well form society as human beings.

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Title: Dropbox, Drew Houston


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: Saving, sharing, and collaboration hub It is helpful to save, share, and be able to collaborate on documents online

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Title: Indie Craft Experience Facebook Page


Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: It is an event page for the Indie Craft experience that puts on events every few months I went to this Indie Craft festival over the summer and felt that so many of the plants, projects, art pieces, and other works exemplified my interests and homemade goods. It can be meaningful to future generations to show how art has changed or stayed the same.

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Description: This seed was nominated for archiving by a member of the Georgia Tech community. The nominator provided the following description for the seed: A nice quote It's a great quote

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