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Archived since: Dec, 2020
A range of online content about the 2012 Icelandic constitutional referendum. Gives a full understanding of the 2012 referendum, its legal process, domestic/international opinions, community outreach, and the impact of its results. The content, including news articles, government web sites, and YouTube videos, was published mostly between fall 2011 and fall 2012.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture, Iceland. Stjórnarskrá, Iceland. Constitution, Referendum, Direct democracy
Coverage: Iceland
Date: Published fall 2011 - fall 2012
Collector: KRIA - The Icelandic Constitution Archives
Archived since: Nov, 2020
This collection includes information on the current constitution and the revisions it has gone through outside of the 2011 draft.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Archived since: Nov, 2020
This collection looks at the role artists, and artistic expression played in the constitution-writing process. In addition, the collection captures songs, movies, paintings, public exhibitions, and creative outputs made from inspiration from the 2011 constitution.
Subject: Government, Society & Culture, Arts & Humanities
Date: 2009-2022
Archived since: Dec, 2020
In this collection are interviews, presentations, and research preserved during the making of the documentary film Blueberry Soup
by Wilma's Wish Productions, directed by Eileen Jerrett. This film covered the story of making the 2011 Icelandic constitution and its connection to the community.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Universities & Libraries
Archived since: Dec, 2020
This collection includes items that help examine the social climate in Iceland following the completion of the constitutional draft. Broad discussions turned into new political parties, protests, international attention, and a wave of activism. This collection contains recordings from protests, conference presentations by citizens and specialists, news articles, opinion pieces, blogs, art created to accompany outreach initiatives, and collaborations with legal scholars to investigate the legitimacy of the new draft constitution. The founding meeting took place on September 26, 2010 in Menntaskólans í Reykjavík
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Universities & Libraries, Society & Culture
Archived since: Jun, 2021
In this collection, we look at how the civil society engaged with the Parliament over the issue of the new constitution. In some cases, this was to discuss constitutional revisions outside of the 2011 draft; in others, it was to demand the results of the 2011 constitution would be implemented (or voted on within Parliament). Material includes public polls, Parliamentary statements, news pieces, podcasts, artistic works, public deliberation, conference recordings, and scholarly research. This collection also documents organized events aimed at encouraging civic dialog to understand the public's will in terms of moving forward with the new constitution.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Politics & Elections, Government
Date: 2012-2021
Archived since: Dec, 2020
This collection compiled evidence of events that discussed the new constitution in various settings. Most of the events occurred in Iceland, but some internationally. The collection includes edited video recordings, radio interviews, newspaper articles, event multi-media coverage, live-stream recordings, event itineraries, scholarly reflections, event preparations, art created for community outreach, and public social media responses.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Arts & Humanities, Politics & Elections
Archived since: Nov, 2020
This collection contains content of the 2011 constitutional drafting process. Items include meeting notes, communication with the public, citizen deliberation and input, video recordings of constitutional meetings, press coverage, personal reflections from constitutional council members, mind maps of process and efforts to reach public, the technology used, constitution and article draft versions, news from the constitutional process, expert input, national polls, letters from citizens, photos from inside and outside of constitutional sessions, interviews with council members, government documentation and announcements on the process.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Archived since: Jun, 2021
This collection contains material on the election process of the Constitutional Assembly (which later became the Constitutional Council). This collection includes interviews with the 522 Icelandic citizen candidates, press coverage, public deliberation, campaign videos, other methods the citizen candidates used to campaign, Parliamentary election announcements, voting instructions, election results, challenges of the election, Supreme court rulings, and Parliament's response to election verdict.
Subject: Society & Culture, Politics & Elections, Blogs & Social Media
Archived since: Nov, 2020
During the constitutional drafting process, experts in various fields, including law, education, government, and constitutional reform, were asked to give feedback on the draft as it was being written. This collection includes expert responses to specific articles, general advice, expert deliberation within the Icelandic community, and formal correspondence with the Constitutional Council. This sub-collection highlights the efforts made by the Constitutional Council and its staff during the drafting process to get input from specialists and Parliamentarians. The collection also shows how the suggestions were implemented.
Subject: Government, Universities & Libraries, Society & Culture
Date: 2010-2011
Archived since: Dec, 2020
This collection includes analysis of the constitutional draft by constitutional experts following the drafting process. Items contain official reports, European Union statements, Icelandic legal expert reviews, and international legal scholars commentaries. There is a mix of the issues being addressed, from specific articles to critiques of the overall draft.
Subject: Society & Culture, Politics & Elections, Government
Date: 2011-2021
Archived since: Nov, 2020
This is a collection of the types of input offered by the public during the constitutional drafting process in Iceland in the summer of 2011.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Coverage: Iceland
Date: 2011
Rights: Copyright not evaluated. The copyright and related rights status of this Item have not been evaluated. Please refer to the organization that has made the Item available for more information. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use.
Relation: http://stjornlagarad.is/erindi/
Archived since: Nov, 2020
This collection contains the final draft constitution created in 2011. Included is the official version submitted in Icelandic by the Constitutional Council, English translations of the draft, audiobook readings of the constitution, and media announcing the draft proposal. Note that there are multiple English translations of the draft with debate over which is most accurate.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Date: 2011
Archived since: Dec, 2020
On 12 November 2019, WikiLeaks began publishing what it called the Fishrot Files (Icelandic: Samherjaskjölin), a collection of thousands of documents and email communication by employees of one of Iceland's largest fish industry companies, Samherji, that indicated that the company had paid hundreds of millions ISK to high ranking politicians and officials in Namibia intending to acquire the country's coveted fishing quota. The issue of the fishing quota rights is addressed in the 2011 constitution and referenced during this scandal. This collection includes media coverage, protest footage, artistic creations on the quota issue, and community deliberations.
Subject: Government, Society & Culture, Politics & Elections
Date: 2019
Relation: Final Constitution
Archived since: Oct, 2020
This collection contains media coverage in English of the Icelandic constitution process. This English subcollection was created to highlight the international interest garnered from the Icelandic process of 2011.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Date: 2011-2022
Archived since: Jul, 2021
This collection looks into the global impact the 2011 Icelandic constitutional reform process has had.
Archived since: Dec, 2020
The collection includes media coverage of the 2011 Icelandic constitutional process and its aftermath from 2011 to 2022. The content here focuses on Icelandic media outlets. Podcasts, interviews, polls, video coverage of events, and commentary on radio are some of the content. Media coverage of constitutional events has been linked to the process's successes and failures.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Archived since: Nov, 2020
This collection captures some of the significant milestones in Iceland that either impacted the constitutional draft or are directly linked to the contents of the new constitution.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Archived since: Dec, 2020
This collection includes interview recordings. Topics include personal experiences by those involved in writing the constitution, interviews with Parliamentarians on their opinion of the draft, the status of the constitution, and international impacts of the draft.
Subject: Society & Culture, Politics & Elections, Government
Archived since: Dec, 2020
This collection includes available materials that discuss the arguments for and against specific articles in the 2011 constitution draft and the constitution as a whole. These discussions took place after the draft was officially submitted. In this collection are news coverage, specialist reports, opinion pieces, conference proceedings, books, and interviews.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Date: 2011-2021
Archived since: Dec, 2020
In this collection, we look at the Democracy Watch Party (Lýðræðisvaktin in Icelandic), founded 16 February 2013. Its primary goal was to pass the new constitution (from 2011). Items in the collection include interviews with party members, news coverage, art created for the community outreach, party website, Parliamentary documents, and poll results.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Date: 2013-2021
Archived since: Nov, 2020
This collection outlines the National Assembly of 2009 (Þjóðfundur 2009) which was an assembly of Icelandic citizens at the Laugardalshöll in Reykjavík on November 14, 2009 in the wake of the 2008–2011 Icelandic financial crisis, organized by a group of grassroots organizations including the Ministry of Ideas (Hugmyndaráðuneytið), collectively called the Anthill
(Mauraþúfan). There are data sets, interviews, podcasts, news articles, photos, blogs, illustrations, wiki pages, and social media posts in this collection.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Date: 2009
Keyword: Þjóðfundur 2009, Þjóðfundur, Thjodfundur, National Assembly 2009, National Assembly, 2009
Archived since: Nov, 2020
The 2010 National Forum was a deliberative event involving 950 randomly selected Icelanders to identify themes and recommendations for the 2011 constitutional writing process. This collection includes interviews with participants, materials on the events framework, data sets from participant input, news coverage, photos, and the final reports from the event.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Computers & Technology
Archived since: Dec, 2020
This collection explores the constitutional draft versions and the constitutional author's (Constitutional Council) communication back to the public while the process took place. Items include versions of the constitutional draft as it evolved, citizen input, media coverage, international response, photos, social media outreach from the Constitutional Council, specialist visits and suggestions, polls, interviews, technical framework, blogs, reports from the full Constitutional Council, and the three committees within the council.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Archived since: Nov, 2020
This collection covers some of the significant issues in Icelandic society since the constitutional drafting process was completed. This collection aims to help connect the impact the constitution would have on modern-day topics within the community.
Subject: Government, Society & Culture, Politics & Elections
Archived since: Dec, 2020
This is a collection of websites that have collected many resources on the 2011 constitution or connected evident events. Each site is by a different curator, group, or institution and acts as its own archive. These sites may help research what others have found to be essential material in understanding the constitutional process of 2011.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Archived since: Dec, 2020
This collection looks at the role and responses of the Icelandic Parliament to the issue of the new constitution. Here is an exploration into the internal committees within the Parliament tasked with revising specific articles in the constitution after the 2011 draft was submitted. Some efforts were direct revisions to the 2011 draft and others to the current constitution. This collection also includes the Parliament’s response to the 2011 draft and edits made to the 2011 draft to date. Items in this collection include Parliamentary documents, media coverage, conference agendas, national polls, podcasts, interviews, artworks,
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Archived since: Nov, 2020
This collection explores the circumstances within Parliament that lead to the constitutional drafting process of 2011. The collection also explores the position of the ruling parties and their responses to a new constitution following the economic collapse (2008) and change of government (2009). Items include internal votes, media coverage, recordings of Parliamentary sessions, specialist input, milestones that lead to the constitutional drafting, specialist's input, citizen blogs and responses, and interviews.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Archived since: Nov, 2020
The Icelandic financial crisis protests, also referred to as the Kitchenware, Kitchen Implement, or Pots and Pans Revolution (Búsáhaldabyltingin), occurred in the wake of the Icelandic financial crisis. A new constitutional process began to develop due to a new government (formed after elections in late April 2009) and an opportunity for change within society. This collection contains documentaries, media coverage (domestic and international), blogs, artworks, national polls, protest coverage, interviews, parliamentary documents and announcements, books on the collapse, investigative reports, and presentations on the topic.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Date: 2008-2010
Archived since: Nov, 2020
This collection includes resources related to preliminary research, discussions, and consultations conducted prior to the actual constitution drafting phase. These materials include reports, working papers, academic studies, expert opinions, public submissions, interviews, and other relevant texts. They shed light on the intellectual groundwork and the variety of perspectives considered during the early stages of the constitutional reform initiative.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture
Archived since: Oct, 2020
The collection contains working papers, official documents related to the committees activities and interactions with stakeholders, meeting minutes, drafts and reports, interviews, supplementary materials, such as legal analyses, expert opinions, academic studies, or any other resources that were deemed relevant to the work of the Constitutional Committee.
Subject: Government, Society & Culture, Politics & Elections
Date: 2009-2011
Archived since: Dec, 2020
This collection provides a detailed view of the public's involvement and social media platforms utilization in the Icelandic constitution drafting process. Exploring this subcollection allows for a deeper understanding of the engagement strategies, challenges, and outcomes of incorporating public participation in constitutional reform. Items within this collection include media materials documenting community events, workshops, or public deliberation sessions. Reports, studies, or analyses examining the impact of social media and public participation on the constitution drafting process. Posts, discussions, and interactions on social media platforms, blogs, and open forums.
Subject: Society & Culture, Universities & Libraries, Blogs & Social Media
Archived since: Dec, 2020
This collection outlines the Samtök kvenna um Nýja stjórnarskrá movement (Women's Association for a New Constitution). Created on July 20, 2018, this activist group was formed to support the 2011 constitution. Most of the communication within the group takes place in a private Facebook group, which prevents KRIA from archiving its contents. However, items born outside of the private Facebook group have are in this collection. Items include interviews, radio programs, posters, drawings, songs, performances, public demonstrations, polls, public and international news coverage, and public calls to action.
Subject: Society & Culture, Politics & Elections, Government
Page 1 of 1 (33 Total Results)