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Archived since: Jun, 2015
Online student newspaper, student broadcasting, and other journalistic media created by the students in the Cal Poly Journalism Department.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Creator: Mustang News, Mustang News TV
Rights: Copyright, Mustang News
Language: English
Collector: Special Collections and Archives, Robert E. Kennedy Library
Archived since: Aug, 2015
A broad collection of the many different web sites deployed by the university, including College and department pages, administrative pages, press releases, university policies, and other content.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Archived since: Apr, 2014
A sampling of websites operated by Cal Poly State University in 2014, including the Mustang News student newspaper, the calpoly.edu domain, Cal Poly's Facebook and Twitter sites, as well as some policies and the College of Architecture and Environmental Design site.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Creator: Robert E. Kennedy Library
Date: 2014
Archived since: Jan, 2016
Website of a grassroots environmental organization, based in Morro Bay, CA, active from 1999-2014. CAPE became an intervenor in Duke Energy’s California Energy Commission (CEC) application to build a new four-stack power plant next to the existing plant, which allowed them to participate in the proceedings and receive copies of official letters, memos, reports, resolutions, assessments, recommendations, and testimony, among other things.
Subject: Science & Health
Creator: Coastal Alliance on Plant Expansion (CAPE)
Date: 2010
Page 1 of 1 (10 Total Results)