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Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

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Title: Adaleh Center for Human Rights Studies


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Arabic and English. ADALEH Center for Human Rights is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in September 2003, with a mission of enforcing human rights in Jordan and Arab world. Projects include youth capacitation, training medical staff in torture detection, and capacitating lawyers in the field of human rights. Site contains news and publications.

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Subject:   economic and labor rights--labor rights advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists armed conflict and persecution--torture

Title: Albanian Helsinki Committee


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: This is the old URL for the AHC. You may find captures of the new site here:*/ In English. AHC, initially named the ”Forum for the Protection of Human Rights and fundamental Freedoms”, was founded on 19 December 1990 with the main objective of protecting human rights. Today the site contains materials on a wide-range of issues areas, including emigrants, minorities and police violence, among others.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--corruption laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial reform advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--prisons and prisoners laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--police misconduct laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--detention

Title: Association for Human Rights Legal Aid


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Arabic and English. Reports on human-rights violations and provides legal assistance to victims. Shut down by government in September 2007 on ground of accepting foreign funds without government permission. Site contains news articles and other information related to human rights in Egypt.

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Subject:   advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--legal organizations laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--impunity laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--police misconduct advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--press and media coverage armed conflict and persecution--refugees armed conflict and persecution--torture

Title: Ajedi-Ka | Projet Enfants Soldats


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Ajedi-Ka was founded in 1988 and was comprised of three key project areas: poverty alleviation, the environment, and child soldiers. Following the 1998 war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the organization decided to focus its attention on child soldiers, thus creating AJEDI-Ka/PES (Child Soldier Project/Projet Enfants Soldats) that same year. The website contains materials regarding projects and programs, including video and photography.

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Subject:   advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--video advocacy advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--aid and relief organizations civil and political rights--children's rights armed conflict and persecution--child soldiers economic, social, and cultural rights--health and healthcare--AIDS/HIV

Title: Albanians in Macedonia Crisis Center


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Contains news, articles, mailing list and archives, background information, links to other resources on human rights violations of Albanians as well as their struggle for equality in Macedonia.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--identity, ethnic civil and political rights--institutional racism laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial reform advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--education civil and political rights--discrimination, ethnic and racial

Title: Asian Legal Resource Centre


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: This URL is no longer active, but captures for the new site can be found here:*/ In English. The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) is an NGO having General Consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The ALRC was founded in 1986 by a prominent group of jurists and human rights activists in Asia. It is a body committed to the development of legal self-reliance and empowerment of people. It will place particular emphasis in its work on the areas of cultural, social and economic rights and the right of development. ALRC will work closely with and support regional, national, and local groups involved in this field, taking care, at the same time, to protect the autonomy and independence of such groups. The site contains policy documents submitted to the UN, legal documents related to human rights and a variety of news items on human rights violations in Asia.

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Subject:   advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--public policy organizations economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial reform economic, social, and cultural rights--economic and labor rights--economic policy advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--community development organizations advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: AMAZON WATCH Supporting Indigenous Peoples, Protecting the Amazon


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Amazon Watch is an NGO founded in 1996 to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin by running various environmental and indigenous rights campaigns. The site contains news, blog posts, and annual reports.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--land rights economic, social, and cultural rights--environment economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--ethnic identity economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--indigenous populations

Title: Association for the Defence of Human Rights in Romania - the Helsinki Committee


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Romanian and English. Formed in 1990, APADOR-CH is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that raises the level of awareness on and respect of human rights and rule of law. Site contains mission, objectives and the team of the association, annual reports, special reports (regarding the visits to prisons and lock-ups, as well as abuses of the police), press releases and publications of APADOR-CH. In addition, there is a special section dedicated to the free access to information of public interest, containing legislation (Law no 544/2001 regarding the free access to the information of public interest; the methodological norms for the application of Law no. 544/2001, adopted through the Governmental Decision no. 123/2002; Law no. 182/2002 on the protection of classified information; Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of persons related both to the processing of personal data and to the free circulation of such data), a practical guide for the use of Law no. 544/2001, studies, as well as summaries of APADOR-CH’s freedom of information court cases.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--democratization laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--accountability civil and political rights--right to information laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--prisons and prisoners laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--police misconduct laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--laws and legislation advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: Arab Human Rights Index


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Arabic and English. The Arab Human Rights Index site, sponsored by United Nations Development Programme on Governance in the Arab Region (UNDP-POGAR), is a repository for the entire set of United Nations documents pertaining to human rights and the responses, including reservations, by the Arab member states to the committees that monitor the core international human rights treaties.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--discrimination, socioeconomic laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--international law economic, social, and cultural rights--economic and labor rights--labor rights civil and political rights--children's rights laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--United Nations civil and political rights--women's rights civil and political rights--discrimination, ethnic and racial armed conflict and persecution--torture

Title: Archivo Histórico de la Policía Nacional


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish. The Archivo Histórico de la Policía Nacional (AHPN) is a Guatemalan repository that houses, preserves, processes, and disseminates the records of Guatemala’s National Police. The National Police collaborated with the state during Guatemala's 36-year armed internal conflict which, between 1960 and 1996, claimed 200,000 lives and displaced over one million people. The AHPN has formed a collaboration with University of Texas at Austin to make its records available online ( The site contains organizational information, publications about the AHPN's materials, legislation concerning the AHPN, links for requesting information, digital photographs, and other links.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--truth commissions armed conflict and persecution--war crimes armed conflict and persecution--displacement armed conflict and persecution--disappearances armed conflict and persecution--genocide advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--cultural repositories

Title: Association africaine de Défense des droits de l’Homme :: ASADHO


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: This is the older site for ASADHO. To see captures of the newer site, go here:*/ In French. Association africaine de Défense des droits de l’Homme (ASADHO) is a human rights NGO in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that formed in 1991 to protest the abuses of Mobutu Sese Seko. Seko seized power in 1965, formed an authoritarian regime, instated the Popular Movement of the Revolution (MPR) as the only legal political party in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and ruled as president from 1965 to 1997. ASADHO monitors human rights, calls attention to abuses, does training, provides legal assistance, and has local chapters that organize around human rights issues. The Katanga chapter of ASADHO was instrumental in the Anvil Mining case of state murder. Contains reports, press releases, and news. Other URL in this group,, is the blog of ASADHO.

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Subject:   armed conflict and persecution--crimes againts humanity armed conflict and persecution economic, social, and cultural rights--environment--extractive technologies economic, social, and cultural rights--environment--mining armed conflict and persecution--child soldiers civil and political rights--women's rights

Title: ASFADDES: Asociación de Familiares Detenidos-Desaparecidos en Colombia / Colombian Association of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: This is an older URL for ASFADDES. Captures of the newer site can be found here:*/ In Spanish. Organization which aids and represents the families of people who are detained or missing in Colombia. The directors and members of ASFADDES have been subject to illegal surveillance and death threats from paramilitary groups. They have filed a petition to the Inter American Human Rights Court to require the Colombian state to provide them with minimum safety guarantees. Site contains news articles, background information on organization and its activities, photographs, and educational information on forced disappearances.

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Subject:   armed conflict and persecution--death threats advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--community organizing advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists armed conflict and persecution--paramilitaries armed conflict and persecution--disappearances



Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish. Comunicarte is an organization that creates documentaries about human rights violations and daily life in Guatemala, with a particular focus on indigenous rights and indigenous struggles against corporate oppression. Site includes embedded videos and updates about projects.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights--environment--sustainable development economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--indigenous populations advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--eyewitness documentation advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--video advocacy

Title: ..:: Minga ::..


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish. Asociación MINGA advocates for the human rights of Colombians, particularly indigenous populations. Their focuses include property rights, internal displacement, and monitoring human rights violations. The site contains news on actions, settlements, violations, and other relevant topics, as well as photographs.

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Subject:   armed conflict and persecution--internally displaced persons armed conflict and persecution--seizure of property

Title: Sahrawi Association of Human Rights Victims


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Arabic, English, French and Spanish. Formed in 2005, ASVDH conducts human rights work in the Western Sahara under Moroccan occupation. Moroccan authorities refuse to recognize the association and have targeted the Association’s Executive Committee and Coordinating Council, arresting, beating and generally subjecting them to harassment and maltreatment because of their membership in ASVDH. Contains news, photographs, videos, audio clips, and reports.

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Subject:   armed conflict and persecution--extrajudicial executions advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--prisons and prisoners armed conflict and persecution--intimidation armed conflict and persecution--torture armed conflict and persecution--harassment and humiliation

Title: Aswat Palestinian Gay Women


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Arabic and English. The mission of the ASWAT initiative is to serve as a Palestinian gay women’s group where we may express ourselves, discuss gender and sexuality, define our feminism, and address the conflict experienced by us between our national and gendered identities. In addition, we strive to generate social change in order to meet the needs of one of the most silenced and oppressed communities in Israel. We work to reach out to Palestinian and Jewish communities in Israel, and also to collaborate with other like minded institutes, groups and individuals in order to combat the multilayered discrimination we face and to promote women rights. ASWAT's projects center on three themes: empowerment and awareness, advocacy and outreach, and information. Materials on the site include information about organization activities and projects, and a multimedia gallery.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--gay / lesbian / bisexual / transgender / queer rights advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--laws and legislation advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--press and media coverage civil and political rights--women's rights armed conflict and persecution--hate crimes

Title: Belarusian Association of Journalists


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English, Russian, and Belarusian. The Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) is a freedom of the press NGO in Belarus. BAJ defends reporters' rights and issues weekly and annual reports on the state of freedom of the press in Belarus (which touch on other human rights issues in the region). Site contains news and reports.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--right to information civil and political rights--freedom of speech civil and political rights--freedom of the press

Title: Banat Akhir Zaman


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: Banat Akhir Zaman is seemingly inactive, but this is their older site. Captures of their most recent website can be found here:*/ In English and some Arabic. Banat Akhir Zaman is a grassroots movement that seeks to achieve gender equality in Lebanon by empowering women on the personal, social, political and economic levels. Current organization initiatives include legal reform and research. The website includes general materials on both of these initiatives.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights--health and healthcare--abortion armed conflict and persecution--domestic violence advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--community organizing civil and political rights--gay / lesbian / bisexual / transgender / queer rights laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial reform civil and political rights--discrimination, gender civil and political rights--women's rights economic, social, and cultural rights--health and healthcare--reproductive health and pregnancy

Title: Bangladesh Human Rights Network


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Formed in 2001, Banglarights is an independent web portal which exposes and challenges discrimination and violations of human rights. Site contains information on human rights issues in Bangladesh and worldwide as well as a photo gallery.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights--health and healthcare--right to water laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--corruption economic, social, and cultural rights--health and healthcare--AIDS/HIV armed conflict and persecution--refugees

Title: BAOBAB for Women's Human's Rights


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. BAOBAB For Women's Human Rights is a non-profit, non-governmental women's human rights organization, which focuses on women's legal rights issues under the three (3) systems of law - customary, statutory and religious laws in Nigeria. The organization evolved from an ad hoc group of activists, social scientists, lawyers, and specialists in Muslim laws and Arabic who were responsible for executing the Women and Laws Nigeria project, under the auspices of the International Solidarity Network of Women Living Under Muslim Laws from 1993 to 1996. BAOBAB operates from a national office in Lagos and with outreach teams in 14 states across Nigeria. These are: Adamawa, Borno, Edo, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kogi, Kwara, Lagos, Osun, Oyo, Plateau, Taraba and Zamfara. Site contains downloads of publications and news and events archives.

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Subject:   armed conflict and persecution--rape and sexual abuse laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial reform civil and political rights--discrimination, gender civil and political rights--women's rights advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English and Bosnian. The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina was founded on 11 February, 1995. It is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organization. The aim of the Committee is the protection and promotion of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Materials focus on local community development and rights issues, but the site also includes reports and publications on the human rights situation in Eastern Europe.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--international law advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--legal organizations laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial reform advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--community development organizations advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations



Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: Older captures of the main site can be found here:*/ In French. Association africaine de Défense des droits de l’Homme (ASADHO) is a human rights NGO in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that formed in 1991 to protest the abuses of Mobutu Sese Seko. Seko seized power in 1965, formed an authoritarian regime, instated the Popular Movement of the Revolution (MPR) as the only legal political party in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and ruled as president from 1965 to 1997. ASADHO monitors human rights, calls attention to abuses, does training, provides legal assistance, and has local chapters that organize around human rights issues. The Katanga chapter of ASADHO was instrumental in the Anvil Mining case of state murder. Contains reports, press releases, and news. Other URL in this group,, is the main website of ASADHO.

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Subject:   armed conflict and persecution--crimes againts humanity armed conflict and persecution economic, social, and cultural rights--environment--extractive technologies economic, social, and cultural rights--environment--mining armed conflict and persecution--child soldiers civil and political rights--women's rights

Title: Border Stories: a mosaic documentary


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Contains video documentaries on border life, border culture and border crossing between the U.S. and Mexico.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--identity, ethnic civil and political rights--migrant rights--undocumented immigrant rights civil and political rights--migrant rights--immigrant rights laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--immigration policies and procedures advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--video advocacy economic, social, and cultural rights--health and healthcare--AIDS/HIV

Title: Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English, Russian, and Kazakh. Organization focuses on all aspects of human rights in Kazakhstan. Headquarters of organization burned down in 1999; fire determined to be arson. Director of branch of organization died under suspicious circumstances in 2000. Kazakhstani government has history of harrassing and suppressing human right NGOs. Site contains news articles and information on organization's activities.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial reform laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--impunity laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--police misconduct civil and political rights--women's rights armed conflict and persecution--torture armed conflict and persecution--harassment and humiliation

Title: The Burma Campaign UK: Campaigning for Human Rights and Democracy in Burma


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: in English. The Burma Campaign UK works for human rights, democracy and development in Burma. We work for the freedom of all the peoples of Burma regardless of race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender or age. Contains news archive, video gallery, newsletters and reports for download, and events listing.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights--economic and labor rights--corporate social responsibility civil and political rights--democratization civil and political rights--freedom of assembly civil and political rights--freedom of speech laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--prisons and prisoners advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--press and media coverage civil and political rights--political parties and movements civil and political rights--elections and electoral activities

Title: Burma Issues: Information for Action, Campaign for Peace, Grassroots Education and Organizing


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English, Thai, and Karen. Burma Issues is a project of the Peace Way Foundation, founded in 1990 and acts as a private, a non-profit organisation devoted to a peaceful resolution to Burma's struggle for human rights and democratic rule. Contains videos, reports (PDF), photographs, newsletters (PDF), documentation centre database, and information about the project.

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Subject:   advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--eyewitness documentation civil and political rights--democratization advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--press and media coverage armed conflict and persecution--internally displaced persons

Title: Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos / Center for Legal Action on Human Rights


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish and K'iche'. All aspects of human rights promotion, focusing on providing legal aid and documenting the genocide perpetrated against the Mayan population of Guatemala during the 1980s. They are leading the most important collective effort to bring former dictators (one of them currently a senator) to trial before the Interamerican Human Rights Court. The security of their members is seriously compromised--the Guatemalan government and its military forces are not in favor of any kind of investigation into war crimes. Since 2004, year in which CALDH brough the cases against Rios Montt and García before the Interamerican Court, their offices have been subject to raids and their members have been kidnapped and received death threats.

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Subject:   armed conflict and persecution--discrimination, ethnic and racial laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--courts and judicial systems--Inter-American Court of Human Rights laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--transitional jusice laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--accountability civil and political rights--children's rights civil and political rights--discrimination, gender armed conflict and persecution--genocide

Title: Comisión de Derechos Humanos de El Salvador / Human Rights Commission of El Salvador


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish. Non-governmental organization that conducts human rights advocacy and education. Focuses on issues of health, poverty, education, justice and migration. Contains documents, news items, and information on how to report human rights violations.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--archives, libraries, and museums laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--accountability advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists armed conflict and persecution--disappearances

Title: Centro por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional (CEJIL)


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English and Spanish. Centro por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional (CEJIL) is a lobby within the Organization of American States for human rights issues; the organization lobbies and advocates for NGOs. Site contains information about cases and publications.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial systems laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial proceedings laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--international law

Title: The Chosun Journal: Networking Communities for Human Rights in North Korea


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Formed in 2001, the Chosun Journal is a non-profit site whose agenda is to inform, provoke, and mobilize consciences for human rights in North Korea. Site contains news articles, photographs, videos, reports available for download, recommended reading list, and ways to get involved.

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Subject:   armed conflict and persecution--infanticide economic, social, and cultural rights--health and healthcare--right to adequate food armed conflict and persecution--refugees

Title: Chinese Human Rights Defenders


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Chinese and English. CRHD is a network of Chinese human rights activists and groups, open to international supporters. Its activities include consultation, dissemination of information, facilitating international exchange, supporting a program of small grants to human rights work in China, research assistance and other services. Site contains news articles on human rights and activists, research, media, and the 2008 Olympics. This is the new URL for Chinese Human Rights Defenders; the previous URL,, is included in the archive as well.

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Subject:   advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--community organizing civil and political rights--right to information advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists civil and political rights--freedom of speech laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--prisons and prisoners armed conflict and persecution--torture

Title: Center for Economic and Policy Research Community Action


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish. Website of Centro de Investigaciones Económicas y Políticas de Acción Comunitaria/Center for Economic and Policy Research Community Action (CIEPAC), a non-governmental, civil organization founded in 1998 in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico with the mandate to carry out research and analysis of the economic, political, social, and human rights conditions in Chiapas, in order to offer its findings to diverse social groups working for peace and searching for feasible and sustainable development alternatives in Chiapas, Mexico and abroad.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--right to information advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: Latvijas Cilvektiesibu Centrs | Latvian Center for Human Rights


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English, Latvian and Russian. The Latvian Centre for Human Rights (LCHR) was established in 1993 with a view to promoting human rights and tolerance in Latvia through monitoring, research, advocacy, legal assistance and training activities. In recent years, LCHR main focus has been on two broad areas: human rights in closed institutions, and social integration, which includes all minority-related and tolerance issues, as they represent the most important problem areas of human rights in Latvia. The website contains information on topical issue areas, including social integration, tolerance, and mental disability advocacy.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--laws and legislation civil and political rights--elections and electoral activities

Title: Bartolome Clavero: Ensayos, Opiniones y Actualidad [Latin America]


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: This is an older URL. You can find captures of Clavero's new site here:*/ In Spanish. A professor at the University of Sevilla (Spain), Bartolome Clavero writes extensively on indigenous rights in Latin America. The site contains political commentary, academic studies and formal publications by Clavero.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--courts and judicial proceedings economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--indigenous peoples armed conflict and persecution--genocide

Title: CLEEN FOUNDATION...Justice Sector Reform


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. The CLEEN Foundation (formerly known as the Centre for Law Enforcement Education) monitors the police forces in Nigeria, protests human rights violations, and promotes public safety. CLEEN publishes reports on crime and police activity. Site contains reports and news.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--incarceration laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--police laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--police misconduct

Title: The BALKAN Human Rights Web Pages


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Site contains news articles dating from 2005 to 2009. All relate to human rights issues in Greece. In addition, the site links to other BALKAN Human Rights pages.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--legal proceedings civil and political rights--discrimination, religious advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--press and media coverage civil and political rights--freedom of religion armed conflict and persecution--hate crimes

Title: Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos / The Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish and some English. The Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos was founded during the 1980s as a non-governmental organization that intervenes with legal measures in cases of human rights abuses and forced disappearances. The site is material rich, with photos videos and podcasts available. It includes detailed information on a variety of cases.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--legal proceedings armed conflict and persecution--disappearances

Title: Coalition Against Genocide


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Contains PDFs of publications, audiovisual materials, posters, press releases, action items, and news items related to the Gujarat genocide and subsequent protests against it. CAG is comprised of individuals and organizations from the United States and Canada who demand accountability and justice for the 2002 genocide in Guajarat, India.

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Subject:   armed conflict and persecution--crimes against humanity laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--legal proceedings armed conflict and persecution--genocide

Title: Frente Nacional Contra el Golpe de Estado / National Front Against the Coup


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish with some materials in French, English, Italian, and German. This blog site, based in Belgium, provides legal analysis of the Honduran coup of June 2009, as well as exposure of protest movements within Honduras itself. Materials include documents reflecting constitutional analysis of the coup and police repression of dissent, as well as links to media coverage of protest.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--coups and attempted coups advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--community organizing

Title: COPORWA: Community of Rwandese Potters


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: COPORWA is no longer active online. This is their original address. Captures of their newer site can be found here: In English and French. COPORWA is a non-profit organization working for the economic and community development of the Batwa people of Rwanda. Materials include background documents about the Batwa people and photos.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--discrimination, socioeconomic economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--education economic, social, and cultural rights--health and healthcare--AIDS/HIV economic, social, and cultural rights--economic and labor rights--poverty civil and political rights--discrimination, gender advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--community development organizations civil and political rights--discrimination, ethnic and racial


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

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Title: Damascus Center for Theoretical and Civil Rights Studies


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: DCTCRS has become inactive online over the years. This is their last known web address. You can find old captures of the original site here:*/ In Arabic and English. DCTCRS is a Sweden-based non-profit, non-governmental organization that aims to defend and promote civil liberties as well as human, economic, social and cultural rights around the world with focus on Syria. Organization conducts research, polling, and field studies, and organizes large conferences for free exchange of ideas.

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Subject:   advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--conferences, meetings, and workshops armed conflict and persecution--war crimes laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--international law advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--aid and relief organizations laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial reform civil and political rights--freedom of speech advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: Damascus Center for Theoretical and Civil Rights Studies


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: DCTCRS has become inactive online over the years. This is their original web address. You can find old captures of the newer site here:*/ In Arabic and English. DCTCRS is a Sweden-based non-profit, non-governmental organization that aims to defend and promote civil liberties as well as human, economic, social and cultural rights around the world with focus on Syria. Organization conducts research, polling, and field studies, and organizes large conferences for free exchange of ideas.

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Subject:   advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--conferences, meetings, and workshops armed conflict and persecution--war crimes laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--international law advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--aid and relief organizations laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial reform civil and political rights--freedom of speech advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: Coalición de Derechos Humanos / Human Rights Coalition


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English and Spanish. Coalición de Derechos Humanos is a grassroots organization which promotes respect for human/civil rights and fights the militarization of the Southern Border region, discrimination, and human rights abuses by federal, state, and local law enforcement officials affecting U.S. and non-U.S. citizens alike. Contains information on organization's projects, press releases and educational materials for download, news and events listing, and videos.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--migrant rights--immigrant rights civil and political rights--racial profiling civil and political rights--borders laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--immigration policies and procedures economic, social, and cultural rights--economic and labor rights--economic policy advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists civil and political rights--discrimination, ethnic and racial

Title: Proyecto Desaparecidos


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish and English. The Desaparecidos Project is an initiative of a variety of human rights scholars and activists who hope to combat forced disappearances and the impunity that often enables them to continue occurring. The website includes current news on government repression of dissent, memorials to disappeared people, testimony of survivors and resources for attorneys.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--accountability armed conflict and persecution--political prisoners armed conflict and persecution--disappearances

Title: عدسة شاب دمشقي


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

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Title: Directorio Democrático Cubano / Cuban Democratic Directorate


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish and English. Directorio works for democracy in Cuba by way of a civic, nonviolent struggle. Site contains news articles, PDF versions of publications, and lists of Cuban political prisoners.

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Subject:   advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--nonviolence civil and political rights--democratization civil and political rights--right to information economic, social, and cultural rights--economic and labor rights--economic policy advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--prisons and prisoners armed conflict and persecution--torture

Title: Dvizhenie za Prava I Sbobodi / Movement for Rights and Freedom


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Bulgarian, English and Turkish. Founded in 1990, the MRF, a Bulgarian political party, formed to represent the interests of the Turkish ethnic minority, but has since broadened its goals and platform to embrace all issues of civil rights in Bulgaria, aiming "to contribute to the unity of the Bulgarian people and to the full and unequivocal compliance with the rights and freedoms of mankind and of all religious and cultural communities in Bulgaria". Site contains news, policy information, documents, organizational structure and information on the 2007 election.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--identity, ethnic civil and political rights--political parties and movements civil and political rights--elections and electoral activities civil and political rights--discrimination, ethnic and racial

Title: DROM


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Bulgarian and English. Organization Drom is a Roma rights NGO in Bulgaria that focuses on integrating schools for Roma children. The site contains reports, photographs, and videos.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--discrimination--ethnic and racial discrimination economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--education

Title: Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team / Equipo Argentino de Antropologia Forense


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English, Spanish, French. The EAAF is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that conducts forensic archaeological and anthropological research to investigate human rights violations in Argentina and worldwide. Site contains annual reports from work conducted in different countries in Latin America and around the world, field mission reports, press releases, and videos.

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Subject:   armed conflict and persecution--disappearances laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--forensic anthropology advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: Ethiopian Human Rights Commission


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

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Title: Ethiopian Human Rights Council


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Formed in 1991, EHRCO is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that works towards building a democratic system, promotes rule of law and due process, and encourages and conducts human rights monitoring. Site contains documents for download, photos, and information on the organization.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--democratization laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial reform laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--impunity civil and political rights--freedom of speech laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--detention civil and political rights--elections and electoral activities advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English and Arabic. Contains project information, press releases, PDFs of publications, and a database of its library related to democracy and civil rights in Egypt and the Middle East. The Center is a non-governmental organization and its main objectives are the advancement of applied social sciences with special emphasis on Egypt and the Arab World. It is committed to the promotion of responsible dialogue, democracy, peace and development for all peoples in the region. The Egyptian government closed the center in 2000. Its founder, Saad Eddine Ibrahim, and 27 other members of staff were tried and imprisoned on trumped-up charges in 2002. The center re-opened in 2003 but founder remains abroad for fear of imprisonment upon return to Egypt.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--democratization civil and political rights--freedom of assembly civil and political rights--freedom of speech civil and political rights--discrimination, political advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: Emad Baghi


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English and Persian. Website with news articles on Emad Baghi, an Iranian journalist, who was arrested and imprisoned in 2007 for documenting and publicizing human rights violations. Site run by Mr. Baghi's friends and family. Contains articles on his condition.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial reform advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists civil and political rights--freedom of the press laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--prisons and prisoners

Title: Reconciliation in Rwanda - Stories of Rescue


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: This is the older site for Reconciliation in Rwanda. To see the new site, go here: In English, French and Kinyarwanda. In the aftermath of 20th century genocides, many stories that were told by survivors described “bystanders” and rescuers as well as the perpetrators who tortured and killed helpless victims. The survivors of Rwanda’s 1994 catastrophe likewise identified countless individuals who risked their own lives to save others. Increasingly, the stories of heroic rescuers, including many who died as a result of their courageous efforts, are documented and widely appreciated for their educational and inspirational value. The website includes text transcripts of testimonies by survivors.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--testimony armed conflict and persecution--mass killings advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--survivor organizations laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--truth commissions advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--oral history armed conflict and persecution--genocide

Title: Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. IRQR is an international, non for profit, queer human rights organization based in Toronto, Canada. We help Iranian gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered refugees all over the world. We help when Iranian queers are threatened with deportation back to Iran. We also assist Iranian queers in obtaining asylum in friendly countries. When Iranian queer people flee persecution in Iran, they generally go to Turkey. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) interviews these refugees and decides whether their case for asylum is valid. If they are granted asylum status, the UNHCR finds a new country for each person on base of their profile. IRQR helps these refugees through the process and, whenever possible, provides funds for safe houses from donations, since Turkey is also a homophobic and transphobic society and queer people are not physically safe there either. The website includes related news materials and a variety of resources for individuals in need of information regarding their rights.

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Subject:   armed conflict and persecution--refugees civil and political rights--gay / lesbian / bisexual / transgender / queer rights

Title: The Lesbian and Gay Equality Project


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. LGEP is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that works towards achieving full legal and social equality for lesbian and gay people in South Africa. Site contains documents for download on various activities.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--gay / lesbian / bisexual / transgender / queer rights advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists

Title: Fundación de Antropología Forense de Guatemala / Foundation for Forensic Anthropology - Guatemala


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish. Non-profit organization that documents and investigates human rights violations. Carries out forensic investigations to aid the justice system and the families of those disappeared in denouncing and establishing the facts related to human rights violations during Guatemala's violent internal conflict. From 1992-2008, FAFG conducted 946 forensic anthropological investigations related to massacres, arbitrary executions, paramilitary activities, general crime, disasters, forced disappearances, and femicide. FAFG maintains a database with maps, photos, figures and some information on the investigations they have conducted as well as PDFs with their forensic manuals and reviews of their publications reporting on their investigations. Fredy Peccerelli, Omar Girón, José Suassnavar y Leonel Paiz, members of FAFG, received email death threats in May 2008. FAFG has been active since 1997, and its members' security has been compromised since 2002. In their website they document some of these threats. In February 2008, Giron and Peccerelli received death threats to themselves and their families via cellphone.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights--environment--natural disasters armed conflict and persecution--mass graves armed conflict and persecution--mass killings advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--legal proceedings armed conflict and persecution--paramilitaries armed conflict and persecution--disappearances laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--forensic anthropology

Title: Forced Migration Online: A World of Information on Human Displacement


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Research portal for electronic resources on forced migration. Includes list of journals, podcasts, videos, organizations, photographs, working papers, and events.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--freedom of religion armed conflict and persecution--internally displaced persons civil and political rights--women's rights armed conflict and persecution--displacement economic, social, and cultural rights--economic and labor rights--labor rights laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--international law economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--identity, ethnic

Title: La Franja Feminista / The Feminist Line


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish. This blog contains news articles, videos, and photos primarily related to the 2009 Honduran coup. Secondary subject areas are Central America and Latin America at large.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--coups and attempted coups civil and political rights--women's rights

Title: Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas / Center for Human Rights Fray Bartolomé de las Casas


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English and Spanish. Website of Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas (Frayba) Center for Human Rights, a non-profit civil organization. Founded in 1989 through the initiative of Samuel Ruiz García, catholic bishop of the Diocese of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Frayba works in defense and promotion of human rights, especially for the indigenous villages and communities in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--indigenous peoples armed conflict and persecution--extrajudicial executions armed conflict and persecution--disappearances advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: Australia's Campaign for Burma


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Site based in Australia that publicizes Burma solidarity events in Australia. Users may submit events, photographs and videos. Contains a 'protest kit' which allows users to download images for posters, t-shirts, and flyers.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--identity, ethnic advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists civil and political rights--discrimination, ethnic and racial

Title: Frontiers Ruwad


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Arabic, French, and English. Frontiers (Ruwad) is a non-profit non-governmental organization based in Lebanon and founded in 2004. Frontiers aims at enhancing and consolidating the human rights culture embodied in the International Bill of Rights and in the Lebanese Constitution on both the individual and collective levels; safeguarding and defending fundamental rights and public freedom of individuals and groups without discrimination; and seeking to be a center for building capacities in order to achieve sustainable human development. Materials are primarily copies of articles. This is the more active current URL of Frontiers; the other active URL ( and the inactive URL ( are also included in this archive.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--asylum laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--detention armed conflict and persecution--refugees

Title: Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Contains reports and articles on AIDS and LGBTI activism in Africa. The Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya is registered as a trust (“Kenya Gay and Lesbian Trust”) and was established in May 2006 following the convening of regional LGBTI activists by a local women’s rights organisation. GALCK acts as an umbrella organisation and currently consists of five member organizations; “Minority Women in Action”, “Ishtar MSM”, “TOMIK” “Gay Kenya” and "Transgender Education and Advocacy - TEA".There are other four organizations mainly out of Nairobi whose membership is under consideration. The website includes news materials, a library of Kenyan legislation, and materials related to advocacy and events in support of gay Kenyans.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--gay / lesbian / bisexual / transgender / queer rights advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--laws and legislation civil and political rights--women's rights armed conflict and persecution--harassment and humiliation


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

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Title: Association of Non-Profit Organizations in Defense of Voters' Rights


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Russian and English. Content on ensuring fair, legal, and democratic voting processes in Russia.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--democratization civil and political rights--elections and electoral activities

Title: The Balkan Human Rights Web Pages


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English and Greek. This website provides a platform for a variety of regional human rights organizations. It provides materials on news and issue areas across the region, but divided into country areas.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--children's rights civil and political rights--women's rights civil and political rights--discrimination, ethnic and racial advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: Georgian Young Lawyers' Association


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Georgian and English. Contains publications, press releases, databases related to human rights and maintaining the rule of law. GYLA is a Georgia-based non-governmental organization that aims to promote the rule of law and democratic practices in Georgia and protect human rights and freedoms in Georgia using the rule of law. Members have received threats from unknown persons and have been accused by government of misusing foreign funds and politicizing; organization believes this in retaliation for their criticism of certain governmental practices.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights--economic and labor rights--human trafficking advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--legal organizations civil and political rights--freedom of speech laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--prisons and prisoners laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--laws and legislation

Title: Helsinki Association: human rights are above state and national interests


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English, Armenian, Russian. Organization focuses on human rights in Armenia, especially soldiers' and voters' rights, legal rights, and religious freedom. Contains news, reports, surveys, and photographs. Armenian government has been harassing NGOs dealing with democracy in Armenia since last election. Leader of group was shot by member of Armenian parliament, who later boasted about the incident on television without reprisal.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--democratization civil and political rights--gay / lesbian / bisexual / transgender / queer rights laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial reform civil and political rights--freedom of the press civil and political rights--freedom of assembly civil and political rights--freedom of religion civil and political rights--elections and electoral activities advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations armed conflict and persecution--torture

Title: Haiti Solidarity


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Haiti Action Committee formed in 1991 by a group of California Bay Area activists in solidarity with the Haitian struggle for democracy. Contains PDF versions of Haiti Action Committee publications, background information on political history in Haiti, action alerts, opportunities for involvement, press coverage, and links to other resources.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--prisons and prisoners economic, social, and cultural rights--economic and labor rights--poverty civil and political rights--women's rights economic, social, and cultural rights--environment--sustainable development armed conflict and persecution--political prisoners

Title: Cesky Helsinky Vybor | Czech Helsinki Committee


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English and Czech. The Czech Helsinki Committee is a non-governmental non-profit organization for human rights. The website includes materials related to various project areas, such as prisons, racism, xenophobia, women, seniors, and police. The site also links to news articles and to a human rights library of background documents for the human rights movement.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--women's rights civil and political rights--discrimination, ethnic and racial

Title: HELEM - Lebanese Protection for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Helem leads a peaceful struggle for the liberation of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community in Lebanon from legal, social and cultural discrimination. Helem's primary goal is the annulment of article 534 of the Lebanese Penal Code which punishes "unnatural sexual intercourse". This law is primarily used to target the LGBT community by violating the privacy of its members and by denying them basic human rights. The site contains resources on a wide variety of topics, including mental health, violence and advocacy.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--gay / lesbian / bisexual / transgender / queer rights

Title: Den Danske Helsinki Komite


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: This is the older site for the Danish Helsinki Committee. To see the new site, go here: In Danish. Website for the local Danish Helsinki Committee. Site includes reports, analysis and project information.

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Subject:   armed conflict and persecution--terrorism laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--prisons and prisoners

Title: Magyar Helsinki Bizottsag | Hungarian Helsinki Committee


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English and Hungarian. The Hungarian Helsinki Committee is an association founded in 1989. The Hungarian Helsinki Committee monitors the enforcement in Hungary of human rights enshrined in international human rights instruments, provides legal defence to victims of human rights abuses by state authorities and informs the public about rights violations. The website contains news articles and publications regarding various issue areas - refugees, law enforcement, access to justice, and ethnic minorities.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--discrimination, ethnic and racial armed conflict and persecution--torture

Title: Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Russian, Ukrainian, and English. The Association was established on the 1st of April 2004 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in June 2004.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--right to privacy armed conflict and persecution--torture

Title: H.I.J.O.S. Guatemala: Hijos e Hijas por la Identidad y la Justicia contra el Olvido y el Silencio / H.I.J.O.S. Guatemala: Sons and Daughters for Identity and Justice Against Silence and Forgetting


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish. Contains art gallery related to the disappeared as well as a photo gallery of some of the disappeared. This organization is run as a collective and subsists solely on donations. It focuses on promoting human rights, justice and activities that denounce state violence in Guatemala. They are specially focused on activities with the youth. members of HIJOS are continuously subject to threats that they should cease their educational and legal activities denouncing state violence (especially the involvement of the military in Human Rights Violations). In June 2008, according to Protectionline - Observatorio para la Proteccion de los Defensores de DDHH, organization members received death threats. Threats come from unidentified persons who are believed to be linked with the military.

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Subject:   armed conflict and persecution--disappearances civil and political rights--discrimination, ethnic and racial armed conflict and persecution--genocide armed conflict and persecution--paramilitaries advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--identity, ethnic

Title: Honduras Golpeada


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish. This blog reflects the voices of a group of Honduran citizens who oppose the coup d'etat organized by Micheletti and carried out by the Honduras military. Materials include news coverage and analysis, political propaganda, and images and video clips from the protests that followed the coup.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--coups and attempted coups

Title: Healthy Options Project Skopje


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English and Macedonian. Healthy Options Project Skopje is a non-governmental, non-profit and non-partisan organization that started operating as a project supported by The Lindesmith Center and The Open Society Institute Macedonia in 1997. During this period it has successfully implemented programs for reduction of drug related harm, prevention of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted and blood-borne diseases, as well as programs for social reintegration and re-socialization targeting young people and vulnerable groups (drug users and their families and sex workers and their families) in Skopje, Macedonia. Materials include program documents and a variety of resources on HIV issues.

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Subject:   advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists economic, social, and cultural rights--health and healthcare--AIDS/HIV economic, social, and cultural rights--economic and labor rights--sex workers

Title: Human Rights Documentation Center


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. A portal to human rights related resources including World Conference Against Racism, national human rights institutions, Asian Pacific Human Rights Network, training programs, and publications for order.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--good governance civil and political rights--discrimination, ethnic and racial armed conflict and persecution--torture

Title: Human Rights First Society: Human Rights Monitoring and Advocacy in Saudi Arabia


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Contains news articles from 2006 to the present, press coverage, opportunities for action, and links to outside resources on gender and religious-based human rights violations in Saudi Arabia. Human Rights First Society is a non-profit organization with an an office in Saudi Arabia and the United States.

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Subject:   advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists civil and political rights--freedom of speech advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--press and media coverage civil and political rights--discrimination, gender civil and political rights--women's rights civil and political rights--freedom of religion laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--death penalty armed conflict and persecution--torture

Title: Human Rights in China


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English, Mandarin or Cantonese. HRIC is an NGO founded by Chinese students and scholars in 1989 to increase support for victims of human rights abuses and accountability for perpetrators. Materials include a variety of analytical reports, news media, and bibliographies pointing to additional information.

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Title: Institute of Human Rights


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Russian. Contains information on all types of human rights violations in Russia and surrounding areas. Organization run by one person.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--legal proceedings

Title: Права человека в России / Human Rights in Russia


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Russian and English. Rights in Russia is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established on 19 January 2010 to mark the murder of human rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova who that day in 2009 were shot dead in Moscow. Rights in Russia is committed to supporting the human rights movement in the Russian Federation.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--legal proceedings armed conflict and persecution--intimidation armed conflict and persecution--harassment and humiliation advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: National Human Rights Commission of Korea: A World of Dignity for All


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Korean and English. The Commission was established in 2001 as a national advocacy institution for human rights protection. It is committed to the fulfillment of human rights in a broader sense, including dignity, value and freedom of every human being, as signified in international human rights conventions and treaties to which Korea is a signatory. State-run, some of the commissioners have to be approved by the president. Contains press releases, background information, legal documents, photographs, cartoons, posters, videos, newsletter, form to file a complaint with instructions in Chinese, English, Hindustani, Monoglia, Thai, Russian, Vietnamese, and downloads of articles and publications.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--migrant rights civil and political rights--elderly rights economic, social, and cultural rights civil and political rights--children's rights

Title: Comite Helsinki pentru Drepturile Omului / Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in the Republic of Moldova


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English, Moldovan, and Russian. Contains information on all aspects of human rights in Moldova. Government continues to allow and in some cases condone discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, and religion; in some regions NGOs are routinely threatened and harassed. Contains reports, news, and information on organization's programs.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights--social and cultural rights--identity, ethnic laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--judicial reform laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--prisons and prisoners civil and political rights--discrimination, ethnic and racial armed conflict and persecution--torture

Title: Instituto de Investigación, Documentación y Derechos Humanos de la República Dominicana / Insititute of Research, Documentation and Human Rights of the Dominican Republic


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish. IDH-RD is a non-governmental organization that conducts human rights advocacy, education, and documentation. Lists areas of investigation, publications, activities, and contact information for reporting human rights violations.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--migrant rights civil and political rights--democratization economic, social, and cultural rights--environment--sustainable development

Title: Blog del Instituto de los Derechos Humanos de la UCA / Central American University "José Simeon Cañas" Institute for Human Rights Blog


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish. Blog contains news updates on human rights issues in El Salvador.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--accountability armed conflict and persecution--disappearances

Title: Bine ati venit pe site-ul IDOM


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English and Romanian. IDOM is a human rights NGO in Moldova that advocates for patient rights, HIV/AIDS positive rights, non-discrimination for physical ability and mental ability, and prisoners' rights. Their work focuses on advocacy, litigation, education sessions, and human rights monitoring. The site contains reports, publications, links, and news.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--reproductive justice civil and political rights › discrimination--by type--physical ability discrimination civil and political rights › discrimination--by type--mental ability discrimination economic, social, and cultural rights--health and healthcare--AIDS/HIV laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--incarceration

Title: International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) is a leading international organization dedicated to human rights advocacy on behalf of people who experience discrimination or abuse on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. The blog site contains articles and commentary of events and news related to gay rights issues around the world.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--gay / lesbian / bisexual / transgender / queer rights advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--internet advocacy advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--press and media coverage armed conflict and persecution--hate crimes armed conflict and persecution--harassment and humiliation

Title: International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) is an international, nongovernmental organization constituted by national Helsinki Committees and Cooperating Organizations in the participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Website contains news, reports and issue area campaign documents for international human rights concerns.

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Subject:   advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: ILGA: International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Founded in 1978, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association is a world-wide network of national and local groups dedicated to achieving equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people everywhere. ILGA is the only international non-profit and non-governmental community-based federation focused on presenting discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation as a global issue. The site includes news coverage and policy statements from gay rights groups around the world.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--gay / lesbian / bisexual / transgender / queer rights

Title: Iraqi LGBT :: Human Rights and LGBT Issues


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Iraqi LGBT is a human rights organization established in September 2005 in response to the rise in violence against the Iraqi LGBT community that followed the U.S. invasion. The organization runs safe houses in Iraq, rescues persecuted individuals, raises awareness about issues, and advocates for sanctuary. Site contains news, links, calls for action, and photos and audio related to LGBT hate crimes in Iraq.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--asylum civil and political rights--gay / lesbian / bisexual / transgender / queer rights advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--press and media coverage armed conflict and persecution--hate crimes advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: Iraqi LGBT :: Human Rights and LGBT Issues


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. Iraqi LGBT is a human rights organization established in September 2005 in response to the rise in violence against the Iraqi LGBT community that followed the U.S. invasion. The organization runs safe houses in Iraq, rescues persecuted individuals, raises awareness about issues, and advocates for sanctuary. Site contains news, links, calls for action, and photos and audio related to LGBT hate crimes in Iraq.

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Subject:   laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--asylum civil and political rights--gay / lesbian / bisexual / transgender / queer rights advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--press and media coverage armed conflict and persecution--hate crimes advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: Isis Internacional


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Spanish. In 1974, Isis was founded in Chile with the aim to document women's struggles worldwide. Programs focus on violence against women, health, documentation and information resources on the topic of women and gender. Contains documents, newsletters, catalog of publications.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights--health and healthcare--reproductive health and pregnancy civil and political rights--women's rights civil and political rights--discrimination, gender armed conflict and persecution--domestic violence

Title: Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. IHRHL, established in August 1988, is a non-political, non-profit, independently funded community-based structural human rights education, research, public interest advocacy and documentation; national organization with its national, state and rural offices in the oil rich Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. Its primary objective is to effectively create a culture of rights and responsibilities through its bottom-up programs in Nigeria. Site contains reports for download, news, press releases, and photographs.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--good governance advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--community organizing advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists

Title: The Kyrgyz Committee for Human Rights


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In Russian and English. Kyrgyz Committee for Human Rights (KCHR) - is an NGO established by internationally known human rights defender Dyryldaev Ramazan. The website principally contains news and monitoring information from Kyrgyzstan.

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Subject:   civil and political rights--migrant rights laws, justice, and judicial proceedings--corruption civil and political rights--borders armed conflict and persecution--rape and sexual abuse advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--activists civil and political rights--freedom of the press civil and political rights--discrimination, gender armed conflict and persecution--torture advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--non-governmental organizations

Title: Karen Human Rights Group


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: In English. KHRG documents the human rights situation in rural Burma by working directly with rural villagers who are suffering abuses such as forced labour, systematic destruction of villages and crops, forced relocation, extortion, looting, arbitrary detention, torture, sexual assault and summary executions. The vast majority of these abuses are committed by soldiers and officials of the State Peace \& Development Council (SPDC), Burma's ruling military junta. KHRG trains and equips local people to document villagers' stories and gather evidence of human rights abuses; disseminate this information worldwide; and work directly with local villagers in enhancing their strategies to resist human rights abuses. Site contains news, reports, and photographs.

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Subject:   economic, social, and cultural rights--economic and labor rights--forced labor armed conflict and persecution--militarization economic, social, and cultural rights--health and healthcare--right to adequate food armed conflict and persecution--rape and sexual abuse armed conflict and persecution--displacement armed conflict and persecution--internally displaced persons armed conflict and persecution--torture

Title: Kigali Memorial Centre


Collection: Human Rights Documentation Initiative

Description: This is the older site for the KMC. To see the new site, go here: In English. The KMC was created by a joint partnership of the Kigali City Council and the UK-based Aegis Trust. It contains a permanent exhibition of the Rwandan genocide and an exhibition of other genocides around the world. The Centre also features a Documentation Centre that collects the testimonies, photographs and other artefacts related to the Rwandan Genocide. It is also developing a library catalogue and mapping project to aid researchers. Site contains information about the Centre, the history of Rwanda as well as the Genocide, and transcripts of oral testimonies.

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Subject:   advocacy, activism, and responses to persecution--eyewitness documentation armed conflict and persecution--genocide

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