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Archive-It Partner Since: Aug, 2012

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Title: 除了田修思,与郭伯雄徐才厚有交集的“军老虎”还有谁?/Who else has close connections with Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou in addition to Tian Xiusi.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article tells us who else has close connections with Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou in addition to Tian Xiusi. We can find a intimate relations between these two military "tigers" with other corrupted military generals in China.

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Subject:   Military Tigers

Title: 反腐不狠,女市委书记当“病猫”/ Not harsh on anti-corruption, a female city party chief is a "sick cat".


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article criticizes the tug-of-war game held by a city in Hunan province and the author points out that the female city party secretary should be responsible for that.

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Subject:   Hunan Flies

Title: 田修思上将也是郭徐“余毒”?/ Air force general Tian Xiusi is also the reserve poison of Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article discusses the implications of the investigation of former air force general Tian Xiusi and his relations with Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou.

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Subject:   Military Tigers

Title: 有权必腐:成了甘肃腐败的铁定律?/ Corruption as a result of holding power: is this the iron law of corruption in Gansu province?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article reports a suspicious corrupted county level party secretary in Gansu province.

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Subject:   Gansu Flies

Title: 军队再打虎!空军原政委田修思被立案审查/ Another tiger in military: AIrforce general Tian Xiusi is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article discusses the investigation of airforce general Tian Xiusi and his military experience is provided.

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Subject:   Military Tigers

Title: 揭秘第三名落马上将田修思的内幕/ Reveals the inside story of the corrupted general Tian Xiusi.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article analyzes the reasons why general Tian Xiusi can rise in the military sector so fast from 2003 to 2009 and his military work experience in Lanzhou military zone.

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Subject:   Tigers Military

Title: 刘青山、张子善贪腐揭密/ A disclosure of the corruption of Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article provides many details about the corruption of former Tianjin city leaders Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 令计划判无期为何不上诉?/ Why did Ling Jihua not to reappeal after being punished a life sentence?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article investigates the reasons why Ling Jihua gave up his opportunity to lodge an appeal after the trial.

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Subject:   Tigers Ling Jihua

Title: 令计划行贿人楼忠福:权钱开路豪言"富过四代"/ Ling Jihua's briber Lou Zhongfu: my wealth will pass on to my grand grandson.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides many details about how a businessman Lou Zhongfu bribes Ling Jihua

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Subject:   Ling Jihua Tigers

Title: 官员贪污160万包养情妇 妻子月薪3000筹钱退赃/ Official corrupted 1.6 millions to raise a mistress and his wife tries to repay his debt with her monthly 3000 income.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports some details about the corruption of a former local cadre in Guangzhou city and how his wife works hard to earn money to pay his debt.

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Subject:   Guangdong Flies

Title: 十八大来落马官员判决"特定关系人":七成为情妇/ "Special relationship holder" in the trial reports: 70 percent of them are mistress.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses the term "special relationship holder" in some trials of corrupted officials. Many of them are mistresses of venal officials.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 济南政协原副秘书长被捕 曾向杀害情妇官员行贿/ Former vice secretary of Jinan CPPCC is arrested.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the former vice secretary of Jinan CPCC Tian Zhuang is arrested due to corruption and sending bribes to other officials.

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Subject:   Shandong

Title: 成串涉案:周永康令计划苏荣谁的家人更胆大/ Custered corruption: Zhou Yongkang, Su Rong, Ling Jihua, whose family members are more bold?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses the family corruption phenomenon in the investigation of "tigers" such as Zhou Yongkang, Ling Jihua and Su Rong.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 百名红通人员朱海平郭廖武投案自首 已有1/3归案/ Two red wanted returned back to confess


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the progress Hunan government had made in terms of chasing those red wanted criminals.

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Subject:   Hubei

Title: 仇和大秘被控受贿近600万 收受7套商铺给私生子/ Chou He's primary secretary receives bribes of 6 millions


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides some details about the corruption of Chou He's secretary including the fact that he even has a bastard.

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Subject:   Tigers Chou He Yunnan

Title: 陕西一官员承诺帮两个县争先进受贿 获刑三年/ One official in Shaanxi receives bribes in return for aspiring "advance" and he receives three years sentence in the end.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that a local official asks money for helping two counties to get the label for "advance", therefore is sentenced 3 years after corruption revealed.

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Subject:   Shaanxi Flies

Title: 新疆兵团第九师党委常委 副师长张建雄接受调查/ A deputy region commander of Production and Construction Corps of Xinjiang Zhang Jianxiong is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is an official announcement from the central discipline and inspection committee website about the investigating former deputy region commander of Production and Construction Corps of Xinjiang Zhang Jianxiong. His resume is included.

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Subject:   Xinjiang Military

Title: 江西看守所警察安排服刑人员嫖娼 所长被免职/ Custodian police allows prisoners to have sex with hookers


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports some progress in Jiangxi province's anti-corruption campaign. A particular case reported here is that a local custodian head allows prisoners to have sex with some hookers.

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Subject:   Jiangxi Flies

Title: 最高检:反腐5年查办97名原省部级以上贪官/Supreme Procuratorate:We have investigated 97 provincial level officials in the past 5 years.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports an anti-corruption campaign summary from Supreme Procuratorate.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 安徽科级"红顶商人"牟利9400万 曾登人民日报/ "Red hat businessman" earned 94 millions in Anhui province, and he was reported by People's Daily.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports how a "red hat" businessman utilizes his connections with the government to make a profit in Anhui province.

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Subject:   Anhui Flies

Title: 落马厅官对抗调查:前期装傻后期装病 最后装疯/ Going aginst investigation: a local cadre acts like being insane and sick.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that a local cadre in Jiangxi province pretends to be insane or sick to go against the investigation.

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Subject:   Jiangxi

Title: 十八大后多名“钢老虎”落马 含五大钢企老总/ Several stee "tigers" are under investigation after the 18th Communist party congress.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that leaders of China's top steel companies have been under investigation due to corruption.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 广西政协原副主席赖德荣被开除党籍 降为科员/ Former Guangxi CPPCC vice president Lai Derong is expelled from the party and downgraded.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses the investigation result of former CPPCC vice president of Guangxi and his resume is included.

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Subject:   Guangxi

Title: 辽宁省政法委原书记苏宏章搞钱色交易被双开/ Liaoning province law and politics committee party secretary Su Hongzhang is expelled from the Communist Party of China


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news introduces the corruption details of former Liaoning province law and politics committee secretary Su Hongzhang.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁第三"虎"苏宏章升官贿选的背后/ The inside story of Su Hongzhang's promotion by sending bribes.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides some details to show Su Hongzhang's connections with another corrupted official in Liaoning province Wang Min.

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Subject:   Liaoning Tigers

Title: 浙大原副校长褚健被羁押近3年 2次退侦5次延审/ Former vice president of Zhejiang University Chu Jian is in custodian for 3 years


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses the investigation of former vice president of Zhejiang University Chu Jian and his speculative corruption in the control of SUPCON.

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Subject:   Zhejiang Education

Title: 中国社科院原副院长赵胜轩因违纪被责令辞职/ Former vice President of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Zhao Shengxuan is forced to resign due to rule violation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that Zhao Shengxuan, former vice President of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences resigned due to rule violations this year.

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Title: 国企老总躲进国际邮轮公款吃喝 上船办出境手续/ State-owned enterprise manger hide in international cruiser for enjoyment


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that there exists eight kinds of misunderstandings among officials in this anti-corruption campaign.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 多省份晒出反腐“半年报” 看看落马官员哪家多/ "Half year report" of anti-corruption in provinces: which one has more corrupted officials.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides a comparison of different provinces' anti-corruption performance.

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Title: 北京首名红通归案者挪用公款2300万 获刑14年半/ First Beijing's red wanted returned back to be sentenced to 14.5 years.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the trial of first red wanted in Beijing who embezzled 23 million RMB.

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Subject:   Beijing Flies

Title: 苏荣女婿被提起公诉 利用影响力受贿的还有谁/ Su Rong's son-in-law is on trial, who else has used influence to receive bribes?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is an analysis of typical cases to show that some people has used their connections to senior officials to receive bribes.

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Subject:   Su Rong Tigers

Title: 河北省委原常委政法委原书记张越被开除党籍/ Former law and politics committee secretary Zhang Yue is expelled from the party.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that Zhang Yue, former law and politics committee secretary of Hebei province and Yang Luyu, former Jinan city mayor are both officially expelled from the party.

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Subject:   Tigers Hebei Shandong

Title: 张越"五毒俱全" 两人违纪条目比他还多/ Zhang Yue is "all poisons together": some officials's criminal items are more than his.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses particularly what kind of illegal behaviors or corrupted behaviors are used when investigating those officials.

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Subject:   Tigers Hebei

Title: 夏勇政协委员资格被撤 媒体:曾执掌国家保密局8年/ Xia Yong's position is removed. He was in charge of the National administration of the protection of state's secrets for 8 years.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that potentially due to his involvement of Ling Jihua's case, Xia Yong, former director of the National administration of the protection of state's secrets, is under investigation.

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Subject:   Ling Jihua

Title: 河北“政法王”张越五毒俱全 还有个别人没有的新罪名/ Hebei province "King of Politics and Law " Zhang Yue has five sins. He also has a new crime item.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the problems of former party secretary of "politics and law committee" Zhang Yue in Hebei province.

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Subject:   Tigers Hebei

Title: 深圳森林公安局长落马 曾被举报包庇撞宾利副手/ Shenzhen forestry police director is under investigation. He is said to cover his colleague's traffic accident of knocking a bingley car.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports some details about the corruption behavior of former forestry police director in Shenzhen city.

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Subject:   Police Flies Guangdong

Title: 中国军方查处前空军政委田修思上将/ Chinese army is investigating former political commander of Air force general Tian Xiusi.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses the investigation of former Air force general Tian Xiusi in China. Although we have not heard final result of the investigation, he should be punished for certain.

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Subject:   Military Tigers

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