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Title: 落马消息首度确认:武警副司令牛志忠中将被带走调查原因/ The investigation news confirmed: Deputy commander of armed police Niu Zhizhong is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article confirms and discusses the investigation of former deputy commander of armed police Niu Zhizhong.

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Subject:   Police Tigers

Title: 周本顺的宠物,咋也配专职保姆?/ How come Zhou Benshun's pets deserve a special nanny?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article criticizes the luxurious life enjoyed by Zhou Benshun, former party secretary of Hebei province.

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Subject:   Tigers Zhou Benshun Hebei

Title: 原省书记周本顺真慷慨,厨师2年就赚上百万/ Former provincial party secretary Zhou Benshun is so generous, his chefs earn a million in 2 years.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article comments on the luxurious life Zhou Benshun was enjoying when he served as party secretary and his chefs could earn 1 million in two years.

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Subject:   Hebei Tigers Zhou Benshun

Title: 广西反腐专攻“穷乡僻壤”:问责千人 收缴违纪款2.15亿元/ Anti-corruption in Guangxi only targets " poor and remote areas": more than 1000 people are punished and 215 millions are confiscated


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article introduces the progress and focus of Guangxi province's anti-corruption efforts in the povety relief areas.

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Subject:   Guangxi

Title: 局长超标办公室挂名"接待室" 多名干部被追责/ A director's extra large office is labelled as reception office. Several cadres are punished.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that in the local governments many cadres still did not take anti-corruption campaign seriously. For example, a director in Hubei province used a label "reception office" as a camouflage for his extra large office.

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Subject:   Hubei Flies

Title: 女市长刚被立案 搭档的市委书记又被逮捕/ The female mayor was just announced to be under investigation and then the party secretary in the same city followed her to be under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports a very interesting corruption phenomenon in which city mayor and party secretary are announced to be under investigation in a row.

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Subject:   Inner Mongolia

Title: 江泽民和胡锦涛文选为何都点到这件大案/ Why do the Selected Work of Jiang Zemin and the Selected Work of Hu Jintao both mention this corruption case?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that both Jiang Zeming and Hu Jintao, former Presidents of China, both have commented on the corruption case of former party secretary and vice may or Beijing.

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Subject:   Tigers Beijing

Title: 周永康令计划等贪官共同点:通过亲属收受巨额财物/ The similarities of "tigers" such as Zhou Yongkang and Ling Jihua: their relatives and family members receives money and goods.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that actually we can find some similarities among corrupted "tigers", one of which is allow their family members to receive bribes.

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Subject:   Tigers Zhou Yongkang Ling Jihua

Title: 清华附中工地坍塌牵出受贿案 清华一工程师获刑/ Qinghua University affiliated school's collapse accident involves a corruption case, and an engineer from Qinghua is sentenced.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that an engineer from Qinghua University is involved in the collapse accident of Qinghua University affiliated school.

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Subject:   Flies Education

Title: 铝矿非法开采被举报:两县国土局长互换后均受处分/ Illegal aluminium mining is reported: two directors of land and resources bureau were punished.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news tells the story of illegal aluminium mining in Shanxi province. As a result, two directors of land and resources bureaus were punished.

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Subject:   Shanxi Flies

Title: 广东省潮州市原市长卢淳杰被立案侦查/ Former mayor of Chaozhou city in Guangdong province Lu Chunjie is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is an announcement of the investigation of former mayor of Chaozhou city in Guangdong province Lu Chunjie and his resume is attached.

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Subject:   Guangdong

Title: 李鸿忠:周永康薄熙来令计划是假信仰假政治/ Li Hongzhong: Zhou Yongkang、Ling Jihua、Bo Xilai are fake politics and fake belief.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is from a public speech of Li Hongzhong, current party secretary of Tianjin city and he condemns severely the corruption of other big tigers.

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Subject:   Zhou Yongkang Ling Jihua Bo Xilai

Title: 40多名部级老虎受审 谁腐败的时间最长/ Who has the longest corruption time span among the 40 provincial level corrupted officials?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is an analysis of who was conducting corrupting behaviors longest among top level officials.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 两虎同日被双开1年后同日被诉 通报首用家风败坏/ Two "tigers" are on trials on the same day and it is first time to note that family culture is corrupted in the report.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that both Zhou Benshun and Yang Dongliang were announced to be under investigation and on trials on the same day.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 军方为何45天内三次放话“肃清郭徐流毒影响”?/ Why did the military mention three times in 45 days about"cleaning the influence of Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou"?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that the military repeatedly claim to clean the "influence of Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou" in 45 days.

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Subject:   Military

Title: 大型电视专题片《永远在路上》第三集《踏石留印》/ TV special series 《Always on the way》the third episode


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that CCTV had made a TV special program to showcase how corrupted officials confessed their crimes.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 落马官员吃鳄鱼 八项规定后用矿泉水瓶装茅台喝/ Corrupted officials ate alligator and drunk Moutai wine.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports some details of corruption life in the CCTV's special program 《Always on the way》

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Subject:   Tigers Flies

Title: 六中全会前八虎被"终结" 前后相距不到20天/ Eight "tigers" are terminated before the Sixth Plenary Session of the Party Central Committee within 20 days.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that eight trial results are released before the opening of Sixth Plenary Session of the Party Central Committee in 20 days.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 山西七名部级老虎密集受审 打虎干将获擢升/ Seven provincial level "tigers' from Shanxi are on trials


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that as many as seven corrupted "tigers" from Shanxi are on trials in a row and the inspection and disciplining officials who were responsible for these cases are promoted.

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Subject:   Shanxi Tigers

Title: 魏鹏远被查抄视频曝光:房间里面全是现金/ The video of Wei Pengyuan was confiscated is disclosed: cash are over in his house.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides a shocking video in which Wei Pengyuan's house is confiscated and his cash is all over there.

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Subject:   Energy

Title: 山东省文物局原局长谢治秀严重违纪被开除党籍/ Former cultural relics bureau director Xie Zhixiu is expelled from the party.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that former cultural relics bureau director Xie Zhixiu is under investigation. This is an unusual case since cultural relics bureau does not have many opportunities for rent seeking.

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Subject:   Shandong

Title: 被人说土之后 这位副部级女干部的生活有了变化/ This provincial level female cadre's life has changed since she was told not fashionable


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news report features the female provincial level cadres Lv Xiwen who was under investigation. It discussed the motivations of her corruption.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 反腐专题片现"从不行贿"巨头:为官员安排出国游玩/ Speicial program of anti-corruption "never bribe" companies: arrange overseas travel and fun


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that in the CCTV's special program 《Always on the way》, it shows that some companies which claimed that they would never bribe officials actually were involved in the corruption.

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Title: 河北一原国企老总严重违纪被查 涉案金额超2亿元/ One state-owned enterprise manager is under investigation. He is involved in a 200 million cases.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports some investigation progress in the state-owned enterprise system of Hebei province.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 打虎拍蝇三年多 习近平打破关于反腐的五种论调/ Three years of anti-corruption campaign, Xi Jinping broke five statements.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a news from People's Daily discussing Xi Jinping's statements about anti-corruption campaign.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 辽宁凤城原书记贪腐外逃 女儿质问:咱家缺钱吗?/ Former Fengcheng city party chief fled away and his daughter asked him "do we really lack money"?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a commendatory about a former party chief in Fengcheng city Liaoning province who secretly fled to the United States but later returned back to China to surrender. A video is attached.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 今年“猎狐行动”已抓捕634名逃犯 59人涉案过亿/ This year's "fox hunting" campaign has seized 643 escaped criminals, among whom 59 were involved in 100 million cases.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports some progress of Chinese government's pursuit of escaped corrupted officials abroad.

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Title: 落马官员有的终身监禁有的无期 到底怎么量刑的?/ How to given sentence to corrupted officials?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses the punishment standards for corrupted officials in China.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 西安环保局官员为政绩用棉纱堵空气采样器 被带走/ Xian city environmental protection bureau officials use cotton to cover the air quality sample device.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reveals that local environmental protection bureau officials try every means to make fake results of local air quality. Some of them are punished in the end.

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Subject:   Qinghai

Title: 南昌"380套房"副科长已停职 被曝身家上亿不还钱/ The section chief who owned "380 condos" in Nanchang city was stopped working


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that a section chief in Nanchang city is said to own hundreds of condos which values at least 100 million.

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Subject:   Jiangxi

Title: 监督执纪见担当/ Supervision and rule implementation is where duties are shoulder.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports how local discipline and inspection committee officials work against all kinds of pressures to investigate those corrupted peers.

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Subject:   Jiangxi

Title: 贪官忏悔:第一次收钱 我安慰自己就当是借的/ The confession of corrupted official: I pretended that the money was borrowed the first time I received bribes.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides a detailed psychological portrait of a local official in Jiangsu province receiving his first bribes.

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Subject:   Jiangsu Flies

Title: 山西阳泉副市长郝培亮被免 曾因涉聚众赌博被行拘/ Shanxi Yangquan vice city mayor is dismissed due to gambling.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news shows that a vice mayor in Yangquan city named Hao Peiliang was dismissed due to his participation in gambling activities. His resume is included.

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Subject:   Shanxi Gambling

Title: "北京首虎"吕锡文被公诉 除了妄议中央她还干了啥/ "First tiger in Beijing" Lv Xiwen is on trial. What did she do besides inappropriately commenting on the central government?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides many details about the corruption of Lv Xiwen, former deputy party secretary of Beijing city.

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Subject:   Beijing Tigers

Title: 安徽教育厅基教处原处长获刑5年 被指在3领域受贿/ A section chief in the education department of Anhui province is sentence to 5 years due to corruption three major fields.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news shows that how local education department official uses the opportunity to manage educational projects to receive bribes.

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Subject:   Anhui Education Flies

Title: 安徽芜湖市体育局原局长胡景东被双开:提拔情妇/ Former director of Administration of Sports in Wuhu city Hu Jingdong is under investigation: he promoted his mistress.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a trial case disclosure of a former director of administration of sports in Wuhu city, Anhui province Hu Jingdong. He not only had a mistress but also promoted her in government post.

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Subject:   Anhui Flies

Title: 鸡西大学党委书记被"双开":违规持股 搞钱色交易/Jixi University party secretary is under investigation: illegal bond holding and engage in power-money deals.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is an announcement about the investigation of former Jixi University party secretary Yan Changqing's corruption.

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Subject:   Heilongjiang Education

Title: 上海市政府原副秘书长戴海波隐瞒境外存款被公诉/ Former vice secretary of Shanghai City government Dai Haibo is on trial due to concealing overseas deposit.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that former vice secretary of Shanghai city government Dai Haibo conceals the overseas money and now he is under trial.

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Subject:   Shanghai

Title: 安徽司法厅原副厅长被逮捕 曾被称"耳光局长"/ Former Anhui provincial Department of Justice vice director is arrested, who was called "slap director".


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the investigation of former Department of Justice vice director Cheng Han in Anhui province and an anecdotes about him.

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Subject:   Anhui

Title: 山东日照原副市长万同受贿近2000万 获刑18年/ Shandong province former vice mayor of Rizhao city Wan Tong


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a trial record of former Rizhao city vice mayor Wan Tong who is sentenced to 18 years due to receiving bribes.

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Subject:   Shandong

Title: 广西一局长受贿83万 在家里经常喝剩粥吃剩菜/ One director in Guangxi receives 830000 and he eats poorly at home.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses the motivations of those corrupted officials at the local levels by focusing on a case study of a section director Zhao Ruqiang.

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Subject:   Guangxi Flies

Title: 辽宁铁岭市长上任11天被调查 曾长期在大连任职/ Tieling city mayor was under investigation upon taking office just 11 days. He used to work in Dalian.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news focuses on the investigation of former Tieling city mayor Jiang Zhou. What is really ironic about him is that his investigation is carried out upon taking office for 11 days.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 证监会:系统内工作人员违规买卖股票的一律顶格处理/ Stock Supervisory Committee: financial system employees will have the harshest punishment if they illegally trade.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is an official announcement from the government that financial system employees should not be corrupted otherwise the punishments can be very serious.

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Subject:   Financial industry

Title: 海南:今年来查处扶贫领域不正之风和腐败问题71件/ Hainan: 71 corruption cases are found in the poverty-relief area.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This official news reports some progress of investigation of corruptions in the poverty-relief area in Hainan province.

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Subject:   Hainan

Title: 吉林:2016年首轮巡视36家被巡视单位整改情况公布/ Jilin: the changes of 36 units after inspection are now available to report.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports progress in Jilin province's anti-corruption campaign.

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Subject:   Jilin

Title: 安徽:压实"两个责任" 2196个单位和领导干部被问责/ Anhui: 2196 working units and cadres are punished.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the progress Anhui province had made in anti-corruption campaign this year.

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Subject:   Anhui

Title: 南昌"380套房"副科长已停职 被曝身家上亿不还钱/ The owner of "380 condos" official in Nanchang: he is estimated to have 100 million.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that a low-rank official is estimated to have more than 100 apartments in Nanchang city. He is under investigation.

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Subject:   Flies Jiangxi

Title: 9月份内地31省打虎排行榜/ A ranking of "tigers" fighting in September among 31 provinces.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news article summarizes the accomplishment of the "tigers" fighting this month.

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Subject:   Tigers

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