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Johns Hopkins University

Archive-It Partner Since: Aug, 2012

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Title: 山西窝案背后有一只“老老虎”在兴风作浪?/ There is a "old big tiger" behind the series corruption in Shanxi province.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses the hidden figure who was behind the series corruption problems in Shanxi province. This person is Zhou Yongkang.

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Subject:   Shanxi Zhou Yongkang

Title: 中央开年反腐咋“剑指”外交部?/ Why does the anti-corruption campaign target Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the beginning of the year?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article discusses why assistant to Minister of Foreign Affairs Zhang Kunsheng was under investigation since normally this ministry is away from corruption.

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Title: 向阳任广州军区空军后勤部部长 前任王声少将年初落马/ Xiang Yang became the head of Guangzhou military area Air Force logistics department, his former was general Wang Sheng who was under investigation earlier this year.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a news about the change of personnel in Guangzhou military area. General Wang Sheng was under investigation from this military area.

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Subject:   Military

Title: 谷俊山多年部下落马:湖北省军区原副司令员兰伟杰已被判无期/ The downfall of Gu Junshan's ally: former deputy commander of Hubei military area general Lan Jiewei is sentenced to death.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog is about the story of former vice commander of Hubei military area general Lan Weijie, who is a close ally of Gu Junshan.

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Subject:   Military Tigers

Title: 民政部正副部长被免 与7女通奸/ Minister and vice minister of Civil Affairs are removed from office


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article discusses the series corruption case in the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 新疆这只“贪虎”曾经咬伤了我,留下的伤痕只有自己舔出甜味/ This "tiger"in Xinjiang once bit me and I have to bear with it.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a blog article condemning former director of Xinjiang Civil Air Defense Zhu Xinyi.

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Subject:   Xinjiang

Title: 50名“老虎”落网,奠定反腐新格局/ Investigating fifty tigers lays out a new configuration for anti-corruption campaign.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article discusses the implications of investigating as many as fifth high ranking corrupted officials since 2012.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 千人送别,终于把张文雄送“进去”了/ Thousands of people say goodbye, and finally he is sent to "prison"


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article discusses the political show corrupted officials may use to promote themselves by using Zhang Wenxiong as a case in Hunan province.

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Subject:   Hunan

Title: 老领导何家成的落马令我不胜唏嘘/ I feel very sad about the investigation of my old leader He Jiacheng.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article is a reflection of former Deputy Dean of Chinese Academy of Governance He Jiacheng.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 刨根问底!和这名美女官员淫乱的都有谁?/ Seek truth! Who is engaged sexually with this beautiful official?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news article questions the investigation of a corrupted female official in Yunnan province by requesting further investigations of her mistress.

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Subject:   Yunnan

Title: 赵少麟被调查的反腐看点/ The highlight of Zhao Shaolin's investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article discusses the implications of former secretary of Jiangsu provincial government Zhao Shaolin.

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Subject:   Jiangsu

Title: 解放军信息工程大学副政委高小燕少将被查/PLA Information Engineering University vice political commissar general Gao Xiaoyan is under investigation


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discloses more details about the investigation of female general Gao Xiaoyan

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Subject:   Military Education Tigers

Title: 解放军南京政治学院政治部主任马向东被查/ PLA Nanjing Political School director of the political department Ma Xiangdong is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is about the investigation of Ma Xiangdong, who just became director of the political department at the PLA Nanjing Political School.

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Subject:   Military Education

Title: 解放军总后勤部副部长刘铮被查/ Vice Minister of the PLA general logistics department Liu Zheng is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog discusses why general Liu Zheng is under investigation.

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Subject:   Tigers Military

Title: 二炮副政委张东水履新不满14天被查 十八大后仍不收手/ The Second Artellary Army vice political commissar general Zhang Dongshui is under investigation after taking office for 14 days.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news gives a detailed account of the corruption case of Zhang Dongshui who soon was under investigation after taking new office. He was said to keep his corruption behavior after the 18th Chinese communist party congress.

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Subject:   Military Tigers

Title: 北京军区联勤部原部长董明祥被调查 Former Minister of Logistics Department, Bejing Military Region, being investigated


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: High ranking military officials are being investigated for possessing large quantities of military properties and selling offical positions.

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Subject:   Military Beijing

Title: 南京军区政治部副主任周明贵落马/ Nanjing military area political department deputy director Zhou Minggui is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

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Subject:   Military

Title: 武警交通部队原司令刘占琪被调查 曾任武警后勤部副部长/ Former commander of the armed police transportation troop Liu Zhanqi is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news talks about the case of Liu Zhanqi who was former commander of the armed police transportation troop.

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Subject:   Tigers Police

Title: 黑龙江省军区原司令寇铁退休五年落马/ Former Heilongjiang military area commander Kou Tie is under investigation after five years' retirement.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is about the downfall of former Heilongjiang military area commander Kou Tie.

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Subject:   Military Tigers

Title: 新疆民政厅原党组书记莫涓被开除党籍/ Xinjiang civil affairs department party chief Mo Juan is expelled from the party.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that a civil affairs department party chief Mo Juan is expelled from the party due to her corruption.

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Subject:   Xinjiang

Title: 河北省衡水市政协原主席王宝军等3人被开除党籍/ Three officials including Hengshui city CPPCC chairman in Hebei province Wang Baojun were expelled from the party


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that three officials in Hebei province are expelled from the party due to their corruption behaviors.

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Subject:   Hebei

Title: 国家信访局原副局长许杰涉信访“消号”等获刑13年/ Former vice director of China Bureau of Letters and Calls Xu Jie is sentenced to 13 years due to deleting data.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news article reports that former director of China Bureau of Letters and Calls Xu Jie receives bribes of 6 millions to help delete or change statistical data to allow local governments free from being pressured by citizens' complaints.

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Title: 云南省委原常委曹建方降为副处级/ For standing committee member of Yunnan party organization Cao Jianfang is downgraded to deputy director level.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that due to the corruption investigation, former standing committee member of Yunnan party organization Cao Jianfang is punished by demotion

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Subject:   Yunnan

Title: 辽宁政法委书记苏宏章落马 曾以黑马姿态“入常”引猜测/ Liaoning law and politics committee secretary Su Hongzhang is under investigation. His rapid promotion draws many speculation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses the career path and corruption details of Su Hongzhang, former law and politics committee leader in Liaoning province.

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Subject:   Liaoning Tigers

Title: 卸任省委常委一周 豫政法委书记吴天君被查/ Henan politics and law secretary Wu Tianjun is under investigation after he stepped down as standing committee member.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news article discusses the corruption of former politics and law secretary Wu Tianjun in Henan province.

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Subject:   Henan Tigers

Title: 国家功勋飞行员、民航飞行学院院长郑孝雍被查/ President of Civil Aviation Flight University of China Zheng Xiaoyong is under investigation


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discloses more details of the corruption and investigation of Zheng Xiaoyong, president of Civil Aviation Flight University of China.

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Subject:   Airline Education

Title: 中石化油服公司总经理薛万东被查/ General Manager of Sinopec Oilfield Service Xue Wandong is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a news article discussing the corruption and investigation of former general manager of Sinopec Oilfield Service Xue Wandong.

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Subject:   Energy

Title: 甘肃省酒泉市政协原主席杨林受贿案剖析 甘肃省酒泉市政协原主席杨林受贿案剖析 甘肃省酒泉市政协原主席杨林受贿案剖析/ Anatomy of the corruption case of former Jiuquan city CPPCC chairman Yang Lin.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This official news reveals many first-hand details of the corruption story of former Jiuquan city CPPCC chairman Yang Lin.

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Subject:   Gansu

Title: 新疆司法厅原党委委员、纪委书记王新中被立案审查/ Party secretary of discipline inspection commission in Xinjiang's judiciary department Wang Xinzhong is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the progress in the anti-corruption campaign in Xinjiang autonomous region.

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Subject:   Xinjiang Judiciary

Title: 四川省委原常委、省军区原政委叶万勇被移送军事司法机关/ Sichuan military area political commissar Ye Wanyong is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is about the investigation of Ye Wanyong, former political commissar of Sichuan military area. His resume is included.

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Subject:   Military Tigers

Title: 67岁白银市政协原主席郭德清严重违纪违法被开除党籍/ 67 years old former CPPCC of Baiyin city Guo Deqing is expelled from the party due to discipline violation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is a report about the investigation of former Baiyin city's CPPCC chairman Guo Deqing.

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Subject:   Gansu

Title: 指控不到300万赃款退了600多万/Accused for 3 million corruption but the official returned 6 million.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is about the corruption case of former Shenzhen government secretary Li Ping. He was accused for 3 million corruption but he wants to return 6 million.

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Subject:   Guangdong

Title: 新疆煤田灭火工程局原局长犯贪污受贿等罪获刑20年/ Former Xinjiang coalfield fire-extinguisher Bureau director was sentenced to 20 years.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the corruption story of former Bureau director of Xinjiang coalfield fire-extinguisher who was then sentenced to 20 years.

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Subject:   Xinjiang Flies

Title: 交管局原副局长张惠民获刑7年/Traffic Administration Bureau deputy director Zhang Huimin is sentenced to 7 years.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news introduces the details about the corruption of former deputy director of Beijing Traffic Administration Bureau Zhang Huimin.

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Subject:   Beijing

Title: 市公安系统庞文升等四名党员领导干部严重违纪被开除党籍/ Four cadres in the city police system are expelled from the party due to discipline violation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a news reporting that four police cadres have violated rules and have corruption problems in Tianjin city.

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Subject:   Police

Title: 门头沟原区长王洪钟受贿被判14年/ Mentougou former ward chief Wang Hongzhong is sentenced to 14 years due to receiving bribes.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news introduces the details about the corruption of former Mentougou district ward chief Wang Hongzhong.

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Subject:   Beijing

Title: 北京國土局原局長安家盛涉受賄受審 退休7年后遭舉報/Beijing Land and Resources Bureau former director An Jiasheng is on trial due to corruption. He was reported 7 years after he was retired.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that former director of Beijing Land and Resources Bureau An Jiahsheng was reported and on trial after retirement for 7 years.

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Subject:   Beijing

Title: 数据解析十八大以来51位“落马老虎”群体特征 数据解析十八大以来51位“落马老虎”群体特征/ Data analyzes the characteristics of the "tigers" after the 18th Communist Party Congress.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides a comprehensive review of the characteristics of those corrupted high-end officials by analyzing the data disclosed from various sources.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 今年以来至少70名国企高管被查处(一览表)At least 70 SOE managers are under investigation this year (a list attached)


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides a list to review the corruption campaign in China's state-owned enterprises in China.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 今年以来至少30名高校领导干部被查处(一览表) 今年以来至少30名高校领导干部被查处(一览表) 今年以来至少30名高校领导干部被查处(一览表) 今年以来至少30名高校领导干部被查处(一览表)/ At least 30 college administrative leaders are under investigation this year (see list)


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news article provides a list of corruption investigation in China's higher education system.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 今年以来至少20余名女性官员被查处(一览表)/ 20 female officials have been investigated since this year (see list) 今年以来至少20余名女性官员被查处(一览表)/


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news report provides a list to show how many female officials are under investigation this year.

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Title: 今年以来至少20余名地市党政一把手被查处(一览表) 今年以来至少20余名地市党政一把手被查处(一览表)/ At least 20 local leaders are under investigation (see list)


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news report is a collection of the investigation of more than 20 local leaders in China.

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Title: 今年以来全国至少20余名“秘书长”被查(一览表) 今年以来全国至少20余名“秘书长”被查(一览表)/ A list to show how many secretary-generals are under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news report provides a list to summarize how many secretary-generals have been under investigation.

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Title: “打虎拍蝇猎狐”——中纪委等部门今年很忙 “打虎拍蝇猎狐”——中纪委等部门今年很忙/ "Fighting tigers and beating flies": the Central Commission of Discipline and Inspection is very busy this year.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is a short summary of the work done by the Central Commission of Discipline and Inspection is very busy this year.

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Title: 甘肃省交通运输厅原副厅长杨映祥违纪违法被开除党籍/ Gansu provincial transportation department deputy director Yang Yingxiang is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the corruption case of former deputy director of Gansu provincial transportation department.

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Subject:   Gansu Flies

Title: 上海市通报4起违反中央八项规定精神典型案例/ Shanghai reports 4 typical cases which have violated the central government's 8 rules.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news presents four typical corruption cases which happens in Shanghai and the city thinks they violate the central government's 8 rules.

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Subject:   Shanghai Flies

Title: 民航华北区空管局党委书记赵焕光等4人被立案侦查 民航华北区空管局党委书记赵焕光等4人被立案侦查/ Civil aviation North China division party chief Zhao Huanguang and other three people are under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news report four typical corruption cases recently and in particular a civil aviation officer Zhao Huanguagn is under investigation.

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Subject:   Airline

Title: 新疆博州党委原常委、统战部原部长郭向毅被双开/Xinjiang united front department chief Guo Xiangyi is "shuang kai".


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is the official report that united front department chief Guo Xiangyi is "shuang kai".

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Subject:   Xinjiang

Title: 天津和平区原常务副区长石季壮因严重违纪受到开除党籍处分/ Former Tianjin district deputy director Shi Jizhuang is expelled from the party.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is an official news report about the punishment result of former Tianjin Heping district deputy director Shi Jizhuang due to his violation of rules and corruption.

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Subject:   Tianjin

Title: 华夏银行副行长王耀庭违纪问题立案/ Hua Xia Bank Vice President Wang Yaoting is being investigated due to rule violation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses the corruption case of Hua Xia Bank Vice President Wang Yaoting.

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Subject:   Financial industry

Title: 北京农商行前董事长乔瑞被查/ Beijing Rural Commercial Bank Chairman Qiaorui is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog shows that former chairman of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank in Beijing is under investigation.

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Subject:   Financial industry

Title: 张恩照的悲剧是“一把手”的悲剧/ The tragedy of Zhang Enzhao is created by the top leader problem.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news article comments on the corruption story of former president of the Construction Bank of China.

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Subject:   Tigers Financial industry

Title: 张力军退休两年被调查 会否牵出环保“窝案”/ Zhang Lijun is under investigation after retiring 2 years.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is about the first corruption case investigation of high-ranking officials in the environmental protection bureaucracy.

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Subject:   Tigers

Title: 上海土地爷殷国元窝案/ The corruption case of Shanghai land god Yin Guoyuan


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a set of news report about the corruption case of former vice director of Shanghai Housing Guarantee and House Management Bureau Yin Guoyuan.

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Subject:   Shanghai

Title: 福建广影董事长舒展接受调查 主政时力主“改革”/ Chairman of Fujian provincial broadcasting and video corporation Shu Zhan is under investigation, who was a reformist in office.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news report discusses the investigation of former Fujian provincial broadcasting and video corporation president Shu Zhan. This news report discusses the investigation of former Fujian provincial broadcasting and video corporation president Shu Zhan.

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Subject:   Broadcasting and TV

Title: 湖北日报原总经理张勤耘被免 被调查前已有风声/ Hubei Daily former general manager Zhang Qinyun is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that former Hubei Daily general manager Zhang Qinyun was under investigation due to his corruption behaviors.

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Subject:   Hubei

Title: 中铝原总经理孙兆学被开除党籍 公司陷巨亏泥潭/Aluminum Corporation of China Limited former general manger Sun Zhaoxue is expelled from the Communist Party of China.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the implications of Aluminum Corporation of China Limited former general manager Sun Zhaoxue's corruptions on the company which is now in a crisis.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 华润前高管王帅廷被开除党籍 简历与宋林“神似”/ China Resources former manager Wang Shuaiting is expelled from the party.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports discloses some details about the corruption story of former China Resource manager Wang Shuaiting.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 深航百亿财务黑洞考验国航/ Shenzhen airline's 10 billion debts is a task for Air China.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article discusses the debt and corruption problems in Shenzhen airline.

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Subject:   Airline

Title: 中国银监会查处银行业协会党委书记王岩岫等4人/China Banking Regulatory Commission investigates Wang Youyan and other three cadres in the system.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is an official news announcement about the investigation of four financial cadres in the China Banking Regulatory Commission system.

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Subject:   Financial industry

Title: 民航空管局局长助理刘德华被调查/ The secretary of Director-General of Civil Aviation Administration Liu Dehua is under investigation


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the downfall and investigation of Liu Dehua, secretary of director-general of Civil Aviation Administration.

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Subject:   Airline Flies

Title: 中石化集团公司总经理王天普被查/China Petrochemical Industry Company general manager Wang Tianpu is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is a collection of news media's coverage about the corruption and investigation of former general manager of China Petrochemical Industry company.

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Subject:   Energy State-owned enterprise

Title: 原农行副行长杨琨受贿3000余万一审被判无期/ Vice president of Agricultural Bank of China Yang Kun receives bribes of 30 millions. He receives a life sentence in his first trial.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the judgement of former vice president of Agricultural Bank of China Yang Kun for receiving huge amounts of bribes.

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Subject:   Financial industry State-owned enterprise

Title: 交通银行甘肃省分行原行长胥小彪被公诉/ Former chairman of Bank of Communications Gansu branch Xu Xiaobiao is on trail.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is about the trial information of former chairman of Bank of Communications Gansu branch Xu Xiaobiao.

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Subject:   Gansu Financial industry

Title: 证监会投保局原局长李量受贿案开庭/ Investors' protection bureau director of China Securities Regulatory Commission Li Liang is on trial.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a news article discussing the corruption case of former investors' protection bureau director of China Securities Regulatory Commission Li Liang.

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Subject:   Financial industry

Title: 甘肃省路桥投资公司原副董事长张保材等8名处级官员因涉嫌受贿罪被立案侦查/ 8 divisional level officials are under investigation in Gansu province due to corruption.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This short news reports disclose new investigation outcomes of 8 divisional level corrupted officials in Gansu province.

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Subject:   Gansu

Title: 最高人民法院原副院长、党组成员奚晓明被开除党籍/ Vice president of supreme court Xi Xiaoming is expelled from party


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the downfall and investigation of former vice president Xi Xiaoming.

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Subject:   Tigers Judiciary

Title: 中国医科大学副校长肖玉平被双开 涉贪污受贿通奸/Chinese Medical Sciences University Vice President Xiao Yuping is "doubly expelled" due to corruption and adultery


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the downfall of Xiao Yuping, former vice president of Chinese medical Sciences University.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 天津市河北区政协原主席崔志勇严重违纪违法被双开/ Tianjin city Hebei district former CPPCC chairman Cui Zhiyong is "doubly expelled".


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is an official report about the punishment result of former CPPCC chairman Cui Zhiyong in Tianjin city.

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Subject:   Tianjin

Title: 湖北3名厅官落马 省财政厅原副厅长被双规/ Three department directors are under investigation in Hubei province


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports some recent outcomes of investigation in Hubei province.

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Subject:   Hubei Flies

Title: 原海军副司令员王守业落马内幕:被情妇“咬”出/The inside story of former naval deputy commander Wang Shouye being under investigation. His mistress betrayed him.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reveals more details about how former Naval deputy commander Wang Shouye was under investigation.

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Subject:   Military Tigers

Title: “葛朗台式”双面贪官:“节俭”生活背后的疯狂/Grandet-style corrupted officials: the craziness behind the thrifty life.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reveals that some corrupted officials refuse to spend their money while receiving them.

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Subject:   Flies

Title: 建国后第一个获死刑的女贪官:花100万偷情/ The first female corrupted official who received a death penalty since 1949: she spent 1 million to have an affair.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses the corruption case of former land and resource department director Luo Yaping in Fushun city Liaoning province, who received death penalty in the end.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 范增玉贪腐案的“信息量”有点大/ There are a lot of information in the corruption case of Fang Zengyu.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses the corruption case of former foreign capital program director Fang Yuzeng in the poverty relief office of State Council. He received huge donations from businesswoman Ding Shumiao but the money should be deposited into the state treasure instead of going to his own pocket.

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Title: 指控受贿1289.56万元 德阳商业银行原行长李琦案开庭/ Accused of receiving bribe of 12 million, Deyang city commerce bank head Li Qi is on trail.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports some details about the trail of Deyang commerce bank head Li Qi who was accused of receiving bribes of 12 million.

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Subject:   Sichuan Flies Financial industry

Title: 张家界副市长程丹峰被调查 系苏荣女婿/ Vice mayor of Zhang Jiajie city Cheng Danfeng is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that Su Rong's son-in-law is under investigation.

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Subject:   Flies Jiangxi

Title: 王爱国少将被查,王爱国和徐才厚长期任职16军/ General Wang Aiguo is under investigation. He used to work in the No. 16 army group where Xu Caihou worked.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is about the downfall of another general Wang Aiguo. He seems to have connections with former military leader of China Xu Caihou.

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Subject:   Military

Title: 江西省政协两位原副主席遭断崖式降职 刘礼祖降为科员/ Jiangxi provincial CPPCC former two vice chairmans were demoted like falling off a cliff.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that two former CPPCC vice chairman were demoted due to corruption activities. One of them is named Liu Lizu who was punished as a department staff.

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Subject:   Jiangxi

Title: 开滦(集团)有限责任公司副总经理蔡念庚被查/ Kailuan Ltd vice manager in general Cai Niangeng is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides some information about the investigation of vice manager in general Cai Niangeng of Kailuan Ltd in Tangshan city.

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Subject:   Hebei Energy

Title: 江西萍乡市政协党组成员、副主席,湘东区委书记曹光亮被查/ Xiangdong district party secretary Cao Guangliang in Jiangxi province is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news report is about the investigation of former Xiangdong district party secretary Cao Guangliang. His resume is included.

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Subject:   Jiangxi

Title: 河南省发改委副主任、党组成员兼省能源规划建设局局长常建华被查/ Chang Jianhua, vice director of Henan provincial Development and Reform Commission is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news archives the investigation of former vice director of Henan provincial development and reform commission Chang Jianhua. His short bio is attached.

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Subject:   Henan

Title: 广东省人大常务委员会委员、财经委主任委员陈家记被查/ Finance and economy director in the Guangzhou people's congress Chen Jiaji is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the investigation of former finance and economy director of Guangzhou people's congress Chen Jiaji and his resume is included.

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Subject:   Guangdong

Title: 厅局级落马官员名单/ A list of corrupted officials at the bureau levels (not complete)


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a list of collection of some corrupted bureau level officials.

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Title: 福建省三明市委常委、统战部部长江兴禄被查/ Director of United Front Department in the Sanming city of Fujian province Jiang Xinglu is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports is about the investigation announcement of former Director of United Front Department in the Sanming city Jiang Xinglu in Fujian province. His resume is included.

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Subject:   Fujian

Title: 甘肃省新闻出版局副巡视员卢旺存被查/ Gansu provincial news and publication bureau vice inspector Lu Wangcun is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news report is about the announcement of investigation of Gansu provincial news and publication bureau vice inspector Lu Wangcun. His resume is included.

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Subject:   Gansu

Title: 辽宁省委常委、政法委书记苏宏章被查/Party secretary of law and politics committee in Liaoning province Su Hongzhang is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that party secretary of law and politics committee in Liaoning province Su Hongzhang is under investigation.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 新疆维吾尔自治区塔城地委委员徐本来被查/ Tacheng city party committee member Xu Benlai from Xinjiang province is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that Tacheng city party committee member Xu Benlai from Xinjiang province is under investigation due to his corruption.

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Subject:   Xinjiang Flies

Title: 吉林省白城市人民政府副市长徐建军被查/ Xu Jianjun, vice mayor of Baicheng city in Jinlin province is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news report is the announcement of investigation of former vice mayor of Baicheng city Xu Jianjun in Jilin province.

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Subject:   Jilin

Title: 山东省济南市委副书记、市长杨鲁豫被查/ Jinan city mayor Yang Luyu is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that Jinan city mayor Yang Luyu is under investigation due to his corruption.

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Subject:   Shandong

Title: 山西省煤炭工业厅党组成员、副厅长杨茂林被查/ Coal department of Shanxi province deputy director Yang Maolin is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that Coal department of Shanxi province deputy director Yang Maolin is under investigation due to his corruption in the coal mining industry.

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Subject:   Shanxi

Title: 二炮96301部队队副陈强判无期 巨款来源不明/Second Artillery Force 96301 troop vice director Chen Qiang was sentenced to life. He has huge amounts of property from unidentified sources


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is about the very special troop in China's nuclear army. It reported the corruption of a military leader Chen Qiang.

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Subject:   Military

Title: 武警交通指挥部军级老虎缪贵荣落马/ Military tiger Mou Guirong is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news article reports the investigation of former general Mou Guirong in the armed police transportation command.

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Subject:   Military

Title: "百名红通人员"30人到案,都是怎么追回来的?/ 30 "red wanted" are back to China, how to catch them?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is an official introduction about how the central government of China chases those “red wanted”. So far 30 of them are caught.

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Title: “核电一哥”郝卫平受贿千万:煤老板太吓人/“Nuclear power big brother” Hao Weiping was bribed more than 10 million and he said that coal mining bosses are so scary.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reveals the process in which Hao Weiping became corrupted.

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Subject:   Energy

Title: 北京移动副总受贿150万元当庭认罪 称缺钱买房/Beijing Mobile deputy general manager confessed his guilty of receiving bribe of 1.5 million.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is about the corruption case of a local deputy general manager in Beijing's telecommunication industry.

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Subject:   Telecommunications Flies

Title: 高官张越为何听命商人郭文贵:或是怕其背后的人/Why did official Zhang Yue listen to businessman Guo Wengui, the fear of his friend behind the scene?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses the complex relationship between Zhang Yue, top leader in Hebei's police and judiciary system and Guo Wengui, a businessman.

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Subject:   Tigers Hebei

Title: 国门巨贪李培英:挪用6亿公款炒股理财赔超一半/ National gatekeeper venal Li Peiying: embezzle 600 million RMB for gambling and investment.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reveals many details about the corruption case of Capital Airport Corporation chairman Li Peiying.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 安徽商务厅原厅长一拍板国家"随随便便"损失15亿/ Former Commercial Department Director in Anhui province made a decision which caused the country a loss of 1.5 billion.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that in Anhui province a corrupted official caused 1.5 billion loss of asset for the country.

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Subject:   Anhui

Title: 令计划行贿人楼忠福:权钱开路豪言"富过四代"/ Ling Jihua's briber Lou Zhongfu: my wealth will pass on to my grand grandson.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides many details about how a businessman Lou Zhongfu bribes Ling Jihua

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Subject:   Ling Jihua Tigers

Title: “中国第一贪纪委书记”曾锦春9年敛财6800万/"The no.1 corrupted discipline and inspection party secretary" Zeng Jinchun receives bribes of 68 millions in 9 years.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news report provides a deep analysis of the corruption case of former discipline and inspection party secretary in Chenzhou city Zeng Jinchun.

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Subject:   Hunan

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