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Archived since: Oct, 2017
A selection of blogs covering Brooklyn subjects.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media
Archived since: Feb, 2018
Online sources for Brooklyn local news.
Subject: Society & Culture, Government - Cities, Arts & Humanities
Archived since: Feb, 2018
Websites of neighborhood and community organizations in Brooklyn.
Subject: Society & Culture
Archived since: Feb, 2018
Websites related to Brooklyn politics.
Subject: Government - Cities, Government - Counties
Archived since: Feb, 2018
The website of the Brooklyn Public Library and the library's Twitter pages.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Society & Culture, Arts & Humanities
Archived since: May, 2020
News stories with coverage of Brooklyn Public Library.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Government - Cities, Society & Culture
Archived since: Jan, 2019
Brooklynology is the blog of the Brooklyn Collection, Brooklyn Public Library's local history division and archive.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture
Archived since: Nov, 2020
The Brooklyn Jewish History Project is a community scanning and oral history repository, to document the history, lives and experiences of Jewish people in Brooklyn. The collection, largely spanning the twentieth century to the present, is comprised of digitized oral histories, photographs, personal items and documents donated by Brooklyn residents reflecting their life and Jewish identity, as well as related web content. Funding for this collection provided by the David Berg Foundation.
Subject: Society & Culture
Page 1 of 1 (8 Total Results)