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Archived since: Nov, 2017
The week of October 8th, 2017, devastating firestorms swept through Sonoma, Napa, and Mendocino Counties. Local arts, history, media, government and educational organizations responded by creating the Sonoma County Fire Project, an effort to document the fires, the immediate response, impact and aftermath, and the recovery and rebuilding process. This web archive, managed by Sonoma County Library, represents one facet of the larger collecting effort to capture some of the stories, images, social media communication, videos, and maps that circulated during the fires and the 12 months following. It specifically focuses on the websites of local non-profits, neighborhood organizations, and emergency response agencies; local press coverage; and blogs, Facebook groups and popular Twitter hashtags. The dual purpose of the collection is to gather ephemeral digital documentation of this life-changing event for future learning as well as to encourage healing and foster resilience by capturing signs of regrowth and rebuilding. PHOTO CREDIT: photographer Kent Porter of the Press Democrat. See full fire coverage at : http://www.pressdemocrat.com/topics/?t=sonomacountyfires PHOTO CAPTION: Bill Stites watches his neighborhood burn in Fountaingrove, Monday Oct. 9, 2017 in Santa Rosa.
Subject: Spontaneous Events, Government - Counties, Sonoma County (Calif.), Wildfires
Collector: Sonoma County History & Genealogy Library
Archived since: Jul, 2020
This collection comprises the web content of Sonoma Responds: A Community Memory Archive, a library initiative launched in September 2020 inviting everyone who lives in, works in, and enjoys Sonoma County to document, share, and preserve the record of living through these remarkable times. The public and staff were asked to nominate web content that they think reflects this moment in history, with specific interest in amplifying and documenting experiences of Black, Indigenous, and folks of color, LGBTQ+ and disabled individuals and communities. To view the collection, visit digital.sonomalibrary.org
Subject: Spontaneous Events, Society & Culture, Government - Counties
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